You Still Believed In Love

"Yes, Doctor Lan, I'm disappointed by my love relationships. Actually, I'm afraid, so I always remind myself subconsciously, don't believe the sweet words of men, and don't believe the promises they make."

Professor Lan nodded slightly.

"This is the instinctive reaction after your injury. That is the self-protection response. Many people have this kind of reaction, but your reaction is stronger than the average level, thus causing greater psychological impact."

He Xiyan, "Yes, doctor. I even hate the promises they made to me, thinking that they are all rubbish."

Professor Lan gave a slight hum and took one to two sips of tea. After a while, she asked.

"What would a man do. you think, that make you feel that he is absolutely loyal to you?"

He Xiyan was stunned, eyes suddenly dropping.

Professor Lan's words made her deep in thought, and she was also thinking about how to answer.