I Sleep Here Tonight As Well

At this moment, she also believed that he was the man who loved her the most.

Doctor Lan said that his grumpy temper was hard to change, but as long as he was determined, it would get better. And she wanted to trust him again, and if she was wrong again, she was willing to take all the bad consequences.

He Xiyan took a deep breath. After all, it took her six years to take this step out. Six years had passed, and she no longer wanted to get stuck or let this man wait longer, because time was the most merciless.

She suddenly lifted her hands. Biting her lips, she then gently hugged the man's strong waist.

Ye Hao trembled meanwhile. The moment he was held, he felt a warm current flowing around his body .

Tears welled up in his eyes and few out because of excitement.

"Yanyan..." He called her name excitedly.

He Xiyan blew her nose, and then gave a faint hum.

In fact, at the moment, she was also thrilled.