Don’t You Feel It A Great Pity

A stiff smile hung on Lin Ziya's face, a forced smile.

All the way to the elevator door, she was smiling like this. Since she could not cry, she could only smile like this.

Chen Jiahang pressed the up button.

After a while, the elevator came down.

The moment the elevator door opened, he saw a full crowd inside, old and young, men and women.

Chen Jiahang took his wife and child's hands and took them aside to let those inside come out first.

He lowered his eyes, as if to hide the insoluble pain in them.

Lin Ziya looked at the door of the elevator, watching people coming out of it. However, after tens of people, she suddenly opened her eyes wide, because she spotted a figure she was familiar with.

It was He Xiyan. Although she was wearing make up, she could still recognize her at a glance.