Do You Want To Know The Past Of Mom And Dad? 1

He also clicked on the input box, intending to leave a message below. After thinking for a long time, he, however, did not know what to say, so he only sent three emoticons of blessing.

Blessing mom and sister.

Yuanyuan didn't know where dad went today. Until 12 o'clock in the evening, dad didn't return home. He sent a message to ask where dad was, but his dad didn't respond until the next morning.

Dad said that he stayed in an apartment near the company.

Yuanyuan had been to that house before, so he knew the exact address. Then, the next day after school, he went directly to his father's apartment.

It was a two bedroom apartment, in which his dad seemed to live alone. During the day, there was an aunt helping clean the house and do the laundry for dad.

With no key, Yuanyuan could only tentatively knock on the door a few times.