Goodbye, Yan Yan!

He Xiyan tried to persuade him to try to get better. She didn't know how else to get through to him but she knew that he definitely cared about Yuan Yuan. She knew that he would slowly improve for Yuan Yuan's sake.

The light in Mo Yixuan's eyes dimmed and his lips curved into a small smile.

He didn't give her a reply but he gave her a small nod.

He would agree to her request because this was what she wanted to see. He would promise to live well and he would never give up on himself.

She finally relaxed when she saw him smile. She continued, "Please take care of yourself. Please stop drinking and smoking and remember to sleep early every day. Let Mo Ling handle the company and don't fret so much about work. You should head outside to relax after you get better. You didn't have time to travel in the past, right? This is why you've missed out on so many beautiful views around the world."

Mo Yixuan nodded but his lips twisted into a wry smile.