Who Was The Guy In The Painting?

Hearing the principal ask her to buy some clothes, He XIyan felt somewhat relieved in the heart.

Most scared, she just thought that the principal paid her in advance to ask her not to come next time.

She took over the money, smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Well, principal, I didn't realize that before. I'm sorry."

Principal Li smiled slightly, then patted her on the shoulder again.

"It doesn't matter. You did well. I enrolled two college students before who found excuses not to come even without finishing a week's class. I'll give you three months. If your ability can reach the level of ordinary teachers in three months, I'll raise your class fee to 100 yuan per class."

"Thank you, principal." He Xiyan smiled happily.

She would cherish this job. If she could get 100 yuan per class, she would get 5000 to 6000 yuan a month.

Five to six thousand yuan. That was the monthly income for some office workers.