It Was Her Own Business To Earn Money

Although she had tried her best to keep her noise down, she indeed hadn't expected to have disturbed them all the same.

Sleeping in a daze, Yang Jing heard some vague sound. She rubbed her eyes and turned on the lamp at the bedhead.

"What are you making a fuss about?!" She said in great displeasure.

"Don't you two know the conditions of Xiyan's family? She needs to earn her own living, so she has to work part-time. Can't you be more considerate of her!?"

Yang Jing seemed irritated. She really did not expect her two roommates to be so difficult to get along with, so selfish that they couldn't tolerate others at all.

Su Qi sneered with the corner of her beautiful phoenix eyes high up, looking at Yang Jing.

"Considerate of her? Will she consider us? She wants to make money, that's her business, but she shouldn't disturb our nap at noon and night. It's fine if she does that just for one day or two. But she does so every day, then who can bear it?"