Paying Off Debts Was A Matter Of Course

1801 Mulan apartment, Huyuan road.

He Xiyan read these words on the screen several times, until she could even recite them backwards.

She looked up at the ceiling, wondering what to do.

She really liked this guy. Although she had only met him six or seven times before at that playground, yet she couldn't forget him, even dreaming of him sometimes.

She hadn't fallen in love with anyone yet, but she knew it was love, because every time she saw him, she would blush and her heart would beat fast. She would even sometimes dream of being his girlfriend.

Recently, she was even thinking about pursuing him. It was shown on TV that there was only a gauze between women and men, which meant that it was easy for women to pursue men.

However, she was afraid of being rejected or even mocked by him. After all, she did not match him in all aspects, especially because he used to be a student of Harvard University.