Got To Know His Account

Looking into the distant sky, she could see the faint stars.

She thought for a while, then closed her eyes and made her new year's wish.

(Hoping that in the new year, I can learn more knowledge and skills, pay off my debts, and... that I can get to know that guy, the guy named Mo Yixuan.)

The figure that constantly appeared in her mind occurred to He Xiyan unconsciously again. In her eyes, that guy looked even more handsome than all the male stars.

He was handsome and smart, just like the hero in many novels, so perfect that she was totally fascinated.

How wonderful it would be if she were his girlfriend.

Um... He must have a lot of girl followers. She didn't know what kind of girls he liked, and whether she was the type to his preference or not.

Lying in the small bed, He Xiyan turned over and over, with a lot of scenes when she saw the guy lingering in her mind.