She Had to Live Frugally Every Day

Fortunately, the driver stopped in time. Otherwise, she'd probably be in the hospital. 

She dug out her keys, opened the door to her room, and started unpacking her luggage. 

It was so cold that she only felt better after she turned on the heater in her room.

She didn't think that the cafeteria on campus would be open so she had to cook something to fill her stomach. 

She went to her tiny kitchen and made herself some noodle soup with egg. This was something that she ate often. 

Ah...she really wanted to eat steak...crab...and hotpot. 

She chewed on her bland and tasteless noodles as she thought about her favorite food. 

She couldn't remember when was the last time she had eaten all these things, especially steak. She had probably eaten it one and a half years ago and this was because her classmate had given her a treat.