This Was the First Time He Had Met Such a Girl

"When I told you to get something for her, I wasn't expecting you to buy flowers," Mo Yixuan said darkly and his expression was equally dark.

"You could have gotten her clothes or accessories," he added.

Yang Mingyu looked at him incredulously and said, "Then why didn't you say so earlier? You only told me to buy something that girls would like." 

He had indeed bought things that girls would like.

Mo Yixuan stuffed the tie in his hands into the closet, then he headed to the bathroom, and splashed cold water on his face.

He felt strangely upset at the thought of that girl buying him such an expensive gift.

He didn't know how to respond to this girl, so he asked Mingyu to send her some gifts. He had only wanted to give her a gift in kind since he knew that the tie was expensive and could also guess that she wasn't very well off.