He Had Never Met a Girl He Liked

"This is yours!" he said calmly. His eyes flashed with a barely perceptible emotion but that moment quickly passed.

Her face was so red that it seemed like she had powdered rouge all over her face.

"Thanks…" she stammered out. She was so nervous that she couldn't enunciate properly, so her voice sounded like it came from deep within her chest.

Then, she coughed softly. 

Mo Yixuan frowned. 

This was the first time he heard such a terrible sounding voice from a girl.

He watched as she lifted her hand. Her fingers seemed to be shaking and he didn't know whether it was from nervousness or excitement.

She took her phone from him and when she did so, her fingers accidentally brushed against his. Her heart raced and her face was as red as a tomato.

"Thank you!" she thanked him once again and she finally sounded like her normal self.

Mo Yixuan's lips curved into a small smile.