She Checked out of the Room

He Xiyan went downstairs to check out of the room and had to pay 30 dollars more because she had soiled the bed sheets.

The bill, which came up to several hundred dollars, was quite a significant amount for someone like her who treasured every penny.

Mo Yixuan walked up to the front desk and handed a gold credit card to the concierge as he said, "Please charge the amount to my card and refund the money to the girl."

He Xiyan didn't know how to react.

She paused and she was at a complete loss for words. She knew that she shouldn't say anything because men were all prideful creatures. If she insisted that she paid for the room, he would feel embarrassed that he allowed a woman to pay for his hotel room.

The concierge was a young girl and she stood rooted to the spot, struck by his handsomeness. Her eyes shone brightly as she stared at him.

My god! He was such a handsome man. She had never seen such a handsome man before.