Treat Her To A Big Meal

The next day, after the last class, He Xiyan went out of the classroom excitedly.

She walked very fast, as if with the wind.

She had just received a message from him.

He had been waiting for her in front of the building of the School of Design for nearly 20 minutes.

He Xiyan ran so fast that she didn't even notice that several students of her class pointed at her and gossiped behind.

But when she came to the front of the main building, she did not see his car. There was indeed a car parked at the gate, not his Maserati, but a black Bentley.

Was it his car?

He Xiyan was nervous as well as confused.

She walked slowly over and then stopped about two meters away from the car.

At this time, the man in the car put down the window and waved to the girl in front.

"Get in the car!"

(He Xiyan)...

He Xiyan's heart was thumping fast.

Finally, she saw the man she adored. Her little face turned red immediately.