Key Could Give Her A Sense Of Security

Mo Yixuan took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and took down one of them.

He then took He Xiyan's hand and put the key in her palm.

"Here's the key to Molan's apartment. You can live there, which is more spacious."

He Xiyan looked up at the man in front of her, as if what he put in her hand was his warm heart rather than simply a bunch of cold keys.

She hesitated and finally took the key.

Of course, she didn't want to move there, but the keys made her feel secure.

When she was free, she would go over and have a look.

"Do you usually live in an apartment?" He Xiyan asked.

Mo Yixuan shook his head. "I haven't lived there less in recent months. I've been quite busy recently because I want to help my father more. He's not very well."

Mo Yixuan frowned. Thinking of his father's illness, he couldn't calm down.