Let’s Learn Some Techniques

"I…" she said as she pursed her lips. 

Mo Yixuan took her hands in his and said softly, "Use your hands then to help me!" 

He Xiyan didn't know what to say.

This was an extremely embarrassing experience for her and she felt very tense as she helped him relieve the tension within him. She was covered in sweat after his pleasure subsided.

She hastily pulled out a tissue from the headrest of the bed and nervously wiped at her hands.

"I'll head to the bathroom for a moment," she said as she quickly got up from the bed.

She looked her flushed face in the mirror as she washed her hands with soap in the tiny bathroom that was just two square meters.

Oh my god!

What had she done?

She took a huge gulp of air and kept taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

The door to the bathroom opened and Mo Yixuan stood in front of her, his body covered with a fine sheen of sweat.