This Was Her First Time Watching Such Movies

Yang Mingyu laughed softly and downed his coffee in one gulp.

He said with a smile, "She must really like you. You should be nice to her too. Women can be placated quite easily."

Mo Yixuan didn't respond. He continued to play chess but he would often turn to look at her.

He Xiyan emerged from the kitchen with a plate of fruits.

Her eyes twinkled merrily as she sat beside him and watched them play chess.

She didn't know how to play chess so this game was completely unfamiliar to her.

"Yixuan, does your friend live in the same apartment?" she asked her boyfriend after they were done with their game of chess.

She remembered that Yang Mingyu had added her as a contact on WeChat but he had never contacted her thereafter.

He seemed to be on good terms with Mo Yixuan.

"I stay at Unit 907," Yang Mingyu said as he rose to his feet and straightened his clothes.