What Did Your Parents Do?

He Xiyan just smiled. Maybe because of nervousness, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

At this time, Li Qin, sitting opposite her, suddenly looked up and cast a cold look straight at He Xiyan.

"What do your parents do?" Li Qin asked coldly, as if only asking a stranger.

Besides, she had not given it a thought whether that would hurt the girl.

Mo Yixuan gave several coughs in a low voice at this time, looking at his mother with some kind of displeasure, as if to remind her not to ask such a question.

He did tell his mother that Yanyan's parents had passed away.

He couldn't understand why his mother still asked that question.

He Xiyan only felt that a basin of cold water had splashed on her. What was worse, the cold look of Yixuan's mother made her feel as if it was snowing around her.

She took a deep breath and then withdrew her hand, which she had reached out to get some food.