Just A Gold Digger

Li Qin, however, refused to let it go. After changing her clothes, she sat down beside her husband and nudged his arm. 

"What are you talking about? What is nothing serious? I think that girl is only after our family's money, just a gold digger. Yi Xuan said that this girl pursued him first. I don't know what magic she had on our Yixuan to make Yixuan accept her." 

Li Qin said indignantly. 

There seemed to be a big stone on her chest, which made her feel very uncomfortable. 

"Why don't you go to persuade your son? He listens to you instead of me." Li Qin pushed her husband's hand again. 

Mo Xuming looked cold and gloomy. Being nudged repeatedly by his wife, he clearly felt somewhat displeased, but he chose to endure. 

"I don't care about this. I don't care what kind of girl he looks for, as long as she can bear babies for our family." After that, Mo Xuming got up, no longer intending to talk about this with his wife. 

Li Qin, "You..."