His Feelings Were In His Own Charge

Mo Yixuan asked his father who was reading the document.

Usually, it was about the company's business that his father would talk with him. He was also trying his best in order to take over the company early so that his father could retire and rest. 

Mo Xuming coughed several times in a low voice. His glance was light and his eyes were also only slightly lifted.

"You like that girl very much?" He asked, in the same faint voice. 

Mo Yixuan frowned, having not expected that his father would ask him this.

Why? Father also didn't like Yanyan and wanted to oppose? 

"Yes!" Mo Yixuan answered affirmatively without hesitation. 

In fact, he was not very clear about this until now, but every time he gave a positive answer. 

"Then treat her well. Don't let her down." Mo Xuming looked up and glanced at his son standing in front of him. 

His only son, of course, was also an excellent son and he took great effort to cultivate him.