Let Go Of The Etiquette

He Xiyan had dinner at Mo family for the fourth time.

To be exact, she had dinner at her own home.

Because since the moment they received the marriage certificate, she had been a member of Mo's family.

She offered to have bowls of rice for her parents-in-law.

However, she still called them uncle and aunt, because she didn't know how to address them differently for a while. Besides, if she suddenly did call them dad and mom, how embarrassed she would be if they didn't respond.

The atmosphere seemed a little serious. He Xiyan noticed no smile on the face of her parents-in-law.

Obviously, after they got the marriage certificate, Yixuan sent a message to his parents to tell them about this.

They must be very unhappy.

He Xiyan felt as if there were a stone weighing a thousand jin in her heart.

She could see that they were unhappy, especially her mother-in-law, Li Qin, who looked extremely bad with eyebrows tightly fixed.