Her Infertility

The doctor handed the printed report directly to He Xiyan.

"You go and see the chief doctor." Still a cold voice.

He Xiyan took over the report, because of nervousness, her heart beat faster and faster, and her palms were already sweating.

She looked at the data on the report. No, instead of data, there were only a few lines.

Ultrasound findings:

Uterus: The uterus is avant-garde and regular in shape. The size of the uterus is 45*25*42mm. The echo of the myometrium is even. The endometrial line is in the middle. The thickness of the endometrium is about 7mm.

Appendix: The ovaries on both sides are enlarged, and there are many dark cystic areas in the ovaries, displaying polycystic changes.

He Xiyan looked at these words, looking tense all of a sudden.

She frowned and read that again.

Some of the descriptions were beyond her comprehensive, and she did not know what they meant.

Polycystic changes?