Recommended By Mom

Mo Yixuan still didn't nod. He just looked at the strange woman standing beside him.

Seeing that her father didn't have a strong sense of rejection, Mo Ling nodded directly to Lin Wan, signaling that she could stay.

Later, he gestured to Lin Wan to go out first.

When there was no outsider in the room, Mo Ling sat beside his father. The father and son looked quite alike, one young and the other middle-aged. Mo Ling could even see what he would look like in 20 years.

"Dad, mom called me again this afternoon. Aunt Lin was recommended by her. Mom was worried about you, so she especially helped you find a suitable aunt."

Mo Ling wore a faint smile. It was his first time to lie to his father and he did it so well without even changing his look.

He knew that his father was more of a heart disease, which only his mother could cure, so he could only make up this lie.