Do You Know My Ex-Wife?

The boy in the drawing looked a lot like Mo Ling.

As for the girl…

Could she be Mo Ling's girlfriend? 

Lin Wan wondered. She had to admit that the drawing was pretty well-done and it was clear that the person who had done the drawing had received some training. At least, Lin Wan thought it was better than what she could produce.

She wondered why this drawing was in Mr. Mo's room. Shouldn't it be in Mo Ling's room instead?

She heard some noise from the bathroom.

"Are you there…" Mr. Mo said. His voice wasn't very clear but she heard him.

Lin Wan's heart dropped and she immediately opened the door to the bathroom.

She froze in surprise after she opened the door.

She thought she wouldn't be nervous but the sight of a naked man whom she didn't know at all made her blush. She turned so red that even her neck turned red.

She bit her lips and her expression changed rapidly.