What Was That "Good"?

The next morning, He Xiyan's eyes were red, because she didn't sleep all night. She looked haggard with dark eye circles.

When she came to the dining hall downstairs, she saw her daughter.

After a night's adjustment, her daughter seemed to be in a better mood and looked more normal as well.

"Mom... You didn't sleep well last night, did you?" Seeing her mother's haggard face, she couldn't help asking.

He Xiyan nodded.

How could she sleep well? Any parent whose daughter was faced with such a thing would be upset and restless.

"Xixi, do you feel well?"

Xixi smiled as if she was in a good mood.

"After taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, there is no more brown liquid. Mom... Thank you."

Xixi stretched out her arms and hugged her mother.

Finally, it was still her mother who treated her best. She would stand by her and encourage her no matter when it was.

(He Xiyan)...

He Xiyan was beyond words.