He Seemed To Be Afraid Of Us

"If she doesn't want to, don't force it." He Xiyan took her husband's hand.

Ye Hao nodded, "I know. Yanyan... About Xixi's pregnancy, don't keep it on your mind. This is a good thing. We can have grandchildren. Don't always worry that the media will report it and that it will be bad for Xixi's reputation. Now there are quite a lot of cases of unmarried pregnancy, which are legal in foreign countries. There is a trend at home as well. Now with such a low rate of fertility, our country is likely to introduce relevant policies in recent years."

Ye Hao was not worried about any media. If any media dared to blackmail his daughter, he would let it go bankrupt and disappear in the end.

He Xiyan rested her head on her husband's shoulder. She didn't reply, just wearing a light smile.

Having been a couple for more than ten years. In fact, they understood each other quite well.

She rarely objected to some of her husband's views.