Check Again

During the weekend, He Xiyan accompanied her daughter to the central hospital.

In order not to be recognized by the people around, both mother and daughter wore hats and even masks.

"Mom, I don't need to do that type of B-ultrasound examination today, right?" As soon as she entered the hospital, Xixi was reminded of the examination she had done last time. It was the kind of B-ultrasound scanning from down below. She needed to take off her pants, which was really embarrassing.

She hated doing such a test.

He Xiyan held her hand and shook her head at her.

"Well, Xixi, listen to the doctor later. Just do all the tests that are required."

Of course, He Xiyan knew what her daughter meant, but this kind of inspection was unavoidable for all women. When women gave birth to children, it was even more embarrassing.

Xixi, "Fine."