They Selected a Horror Film

Dusk had fallen by the time Mo Yixuan and Mo Ling emerged from the hospital.

Mo Ling was in good spirits because his father's condition had improved significantly and would be able to make a full recovery in a couple of months.

"Dad, shall we go watch a movie since it's still early?" he asked as he took out his phone and looked up the nearest cinema.

Mo Yixuan agreed halfheartedly. No form of entertainment could cheer him up and he treated all these activities as a way to pass time.

Mo Ling used his phone to search up a cinema located nearby, known as Starlight Cinemas. He looked at the introduction and saw that it was a newly opened cinema that had a good environment.

They drove toward the cinema after they left the hospital and arrived at Starlight Cinemas that was located on the fifth floor of a mall 20 minutes later.