There's No Need for You to Thank Me

The middle-aged couple invited Mo Ling to their office and they looked at him gratefully.

Mo Ling looked at the couple and sat diagonally across them.

"How is she?" he asked.

He could still remember the woman lying motionlessly on the road, bleeding from her forehead and her arms, pale and unconscious.

The woman's father replied, "Mr. Mo, thank goodness Fei Fei has regained consciousness. She didn't sustain any critical injuries so the doctor said that she would be discharged in a week's time."

Mo Ling smiled.

"That's good. If that's the case, you should head back to the hospital to care for her. I appreciate your gesture but I truly don't have the time to go to the hospital to visit your doctor," he said.

He didn't think that there was a need to see a woman whom he didn't even know. He didn't need to hear the woman expressing her gratitude toward him.

"But…" the middle-aged man started but his wife cut him off.