She Was Doing The Experiment

Anyone who heard someone say their parents were bad would be shocked.

Mo Ling was the same.

At the moment, he only felt as if the ceiling above his head was shaking as he walked.

He had to admit that this girl was so strange.

What she said was also inexplicable.

Mo Ling still remembered that when he met the parents of the girl in the morning. They, about sixty, seemed kind and polite to him. Moreover, according to his intuition, they must love their child very much.

He couldn't understand why the girl just said that her parents were bad people.

The girl looked at Mo Ling and suddenly showed a bitter smile.

"Oh... You don't believe it. Well, I knew you wouldn't believe it." The girl seemed to be saying to herself, and then she gave out two sighs.

At this time, in addition to feeling strange, Mo Ling was also very confused.

What he was more puzzled about was the girl's behavior.