In a secret labratory, in the heart of nowhere was a young man floating peacefully in a tube full of a weird yellow liquid, big enough to easily fit a 2'10 man, that had too many to count cables protruding from its back.
A young man slowly stared to open his eyes, doing it with such difficulty as if it whas the hardest thing in the world.
"Aww" he tried to groan but all that was heard was bubbles. Bubbles..? Realizing a little too late that the situation he was in was not your average morning, "What the...." he said while looking at his wired hands.
[ I wonder how did manage to find myself in this situation] his oddly calm mind was probably a side effect of what he was being pumped with. [ All I remember was attending that interview for bodyguard duty in a big corporation and then nothing more! ]
[ An interesting question is who am I, well I kind think I am called sheng kang but.... oh well... the only damn thing I can remember is that interview]
[ Actually the first thing I should be concerned with is getting out off here. I mean this one of a kind "bubble you to death" machine looks good but I will go nuts being submerged in a weird liquid in the middle of a lab. Probably as a test subject for aliens].
Firstly, I thought you gotta rip those gaint cables. While doing so I noticed a screen starting up outside. Although I couldn't see it since it was looking the opposite direction of me.
[Now time to smash my glass cell open. If movies taught me anything, is that I will need to run for my life after that.] I stuck my back against the back of the glass and propelled forward managing to jump out with a lot of ease.
[Huh, now that I think about it even the cables were pretty weakly attached. I guess aliens don't make them like they used to! Hilarious joke.] I fell to the floor with a thud and starting feeling really nauseous. [Holy moly, they sure gave some strong things in there]
As I thought of that I finaly saw that the screen of my tube started flashing! «WARNING! WARNING! Specimen 00 is attempting to escape all stuff report to control.WARNING»
[GAAH THAT THING SURE IS LOUD] I couldn't stand the noise so I punched the screen with all my might. Saying that the screen melted with the wall is an understatement. It literally disappeared from existance.
[ OH boy , now I at least know that I became a test subject]