Choice 2

I was disappointed with the novel and manga, nothing about survival of the species, group work, unity. They kill themselves 24/7 and that's why they are the guys, not to mention they are very dumb.

(Dont cry, cry, cry, is true).

Let's go to the games, since they seek to simulate the reality must have something.

Remembering all the games I've seen, I came to mind a game as a model.

Starcraft2, I think it fits.

Advanced but not too much for some technologies. OK.

Military nation. OK

Ability to survive in inhospitable places. OK

Knowledge widely diffused. OK

Rich history of governments to create a model. OK

Ridiculous building capacity and terraforming. OK

Armor that puts the exterminator of the future as trash. OK

And most important, places to hide and suck knowledge.

'End of Thought,'

I have a few more questions.

> Talk.

How long does the land have before the events begin?

Six months, but do not worry, you'll be back in time.

> That is, your stay of a lifetime in the chosen plan will be a maximum of three hours in your world.

Have you chosen the type of world yet?

Yes, one more question?

How long would this anomaly last?

> With luck 100 years at the most, with bad luck ... Highly ranked, sorry.

So we're screwed up, right?

> Yes.

Will you help with anything else?

> No.

I choose Starcraft 2 as a model world, will I have any advantage in knowing what will happen?

> No, it's an existing model in the multiverse. I must warn you that things will not be equal due to copyright. cuf cuf cuf.

> I mean, the story will not be the same, things will have different names so pay attention to the choices.

Monochrome walks toward our protagonist slapping his shoulder.

So good luck.

Hey wait ...

'' Shit. It was to have talked the model last, I missed a good opportunity ''

In an unknown location in the multiverse where our protagonist appears without much information beyond what he can see.

====================================================================== ==

When my senses return, I find myself in a strange cave and I remember the last events.

Son of a whore.

> a. t . t sneeze

Looking around I start to notice my surroundings more carefully, I see a mirror a vase, a bed among other objects but I prefer to wash my face first, but there was no water. Without wanting to find myself facing the vase full of bugs swimming, I had to turn around not to vomit.

'This is not looking like a technologically advanced universe to me.'