Legendary Technique returns

In a tall building, at the highest floor a man sat on the Sofa as he communicated through a radio….

"What're you doing?"

"I didn't hire you guys for charity work….."

"Hey Zabuza!, are you listening,"

The scene shifts to Zabuza and Haku standing on a boat underneath the bridge…

"He-(y)!" Gato shouts on the radio as Zabuza destroys it with his foot.

"Shall we go…. Haku?"

"Yes!" Haku responded as he looked towards the bridge.




Naruto went over to Sasuke.

"Sasuke, its time for your debut!" He said,

"I have been waiting for this…." Sasuke told as he gripped his fists.

(boom!) a sound was heard followed by a series of punches and kicks.

"w-What the heck is this?!" Tazuna asked as he ran towards the scene.

"What is going on? What happened" Tazuna wondered as he stared at his coworkers beaten to the floor.




Back at Inari's house

Two men with swords showed up at the door as they heard.

"Inari! Give me a hand" Tsunami called out, unaware of the approaching crisis.

"I'll be right there" Inari shouted as he ran towards her.

The two men outside grinned as they gripped their swords.





Back on the bridge, a mist started appearing at a very high-rate.

"Sasuke! Sakura! Naruto! They are coming!" Kakashi warned, as they got into a defensive formation to protect Tazuna.

Though, as soon as Kakashi spoke, four Zabuza's appeared causing Sasuke to grin.

"I'm trembling with… excitement" He spoke as he disappeared from his spot, following which the clones of Zabuza retired upon getting slashed.

Sasuke reappeared a few metres away, upon which Zabuza commented

"Oh, he could see the water clones, eh"

"Well, well….. It seems my prediction was right on the money…." "That little mask….." Kakashi said as he stared at Haku, while Sasuke thought as he turned towards Naruto.

("Naruto was able to detect them way before Kakashi…..just how strong is he...?")

"So the Elite Shinobi of the hidden mist thing was… a bald faced lie" Tazuna confirmed upon seeing Haku with Zabuza.

"Haku, take this brat on a one-one, but also remember to be careful of the yellow haired kid" Zabuza said.

Haku followed by turning into a whirlwind whizzing past as he went towards Sasuke.







Two swords moved about, destroying the doors as the men entered the house.

Tsunami turned back immediately shocked at their sudden appearance

"Are you Tazuna's daughter?" The man with a beanie asked.

"Sorry. But you're coming with us"...…

(Crash!) "Aaahhhhhh!!!" Tsunami shouted

meanwhile Inari was in the bathroom washing his hands as he heard the two sounds, he immediately rushed over.


"Don't come out! Get out of here, quick!" Tsunami screamed, fearing for Inari's safety.

"What's with you brat?!" The man with a beanie asked.

"Shall we take him, too?" Another man with an eye patch grinned.

"One hostage is fine" He said causing Inari to become worried


"Then...Shall we kill him?" The man with eye patch grinned as he pulled his sword apart.

"Wait!" Tsunami commanded causing the man to frown and turned back to face her as he held his sword still.

"If you lay a hand on that child…..I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself!" She threatened the men intent on not having any harm befall Inari.

The man in the beanie frowned, but she continued "You want a hostage, right?…." she asked changing both men's action to her favour as man with eye patch lowered his sword regretting not going ahead.

"Thank your mom, kid" the man with a beanie said as he looked towards Inari.

Inari had tears coming out of his eyes as he stood and watched with fear as the men tied up his mom while he was unable to protect her since he was a young and inexperienced.

"Mom!, I'm sorry…" "I'm so sorry!" Inari said as the men escorted his mother in ropes out.

"I'm weak, so I cant protect you…" Inari continued as he curled onto the floor.

He cried bitterly as he said "I don't want to die… I'm scared!"


Soon after he said those words, his recent memories of Naruto and the conversation with Kakashi flashed by, also remembering the attitude his dad demonstrated which had won him in the first place.

Inari wiped off his tears and stood up

"Can I also become strong?.....Dad!"

Inari stared at the open door finally with clear eyes that had started to brim with fighting spirit.

Outside the house the two men walked along with Tsunami.

The man with eye patch suddenly cut in as he said

"Looking at that beautiful skin of yours makes me want to cut you…."

While the man in the beanie got sick of the action, he then tugged at Tsunami's rope

"Hey… walk faster."

"Wait!" Inari screamed from behind.


"What? It's just that kid from before…. " the man with eye patch commented finding the turn of events interesting.

"Get…get away from my mom!" Inari shouted again as he started running towards the trio.

"Man… this brat's hopeless….." The man with eye patch sighed."

"Lets do this!" The one with the beanie commanded, no longer bothering about Inari's life or death.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Inari shouted as he continued running without hesitation.

"If you do that, I'll bite of my tongue and- "

"Shut up and go to sleep" the man with the beanie said and made Tsunami faint since he found her even more irritating at the moment.

Back on the bridge,

(clang!) a needle and a kunai parried.

Naturally the needle was wielded by Haku and the kunai by Sasuke.

"Oh" Zabuza blurted finding it interesting that Sasuke was able to put up with Haku's speed.




The battle went on with Sasuke and Haku parrying each other.

"I don't want to kill you….." "I'd like for you to back down." Haku asked politely.

"Nonsense…." Sasuke commented.

"Even if you are to keep up with my speed….I've already made two preemptive moves…."

"Two preemptive moves?"

"The first one is the scattered water puddles around you"

"and the second one is me blocking one of your hands right now…."

"Therefore, you'll just be able to defend my attack…."

Haku raised his only free arm as he formed a seal…

"What?! With one hand he's…?!"

Haku continued forming a set of seals, completely surprising everyone,

"A one handed sign?" "I've never seen such a thing before…" Kakashi said almost having his remaining eye popped out meanwhile Naruto also watched flabbergastedly, ("How have I never witnessed this back when we fought? Even after becoming a Hokage, I never came across records where ninjas could deploy seals only using one hand….") Naruto thought back to the previous time they all fought on the bridge.

Haku formed the last few seals and softly uttered

Haku kicked the ground, upon which all the scattered water floated around. The water then turned into needles as they all came crashing upon Sasuke.

"Hmph!" Sasuke snorted as he thought back to the technique Naruto had demonstrated.

He kicked the floor of the bridge, bringing about an instantaneous burst of chakra, escaping from all the needles as they stabbed into the ground at the place where he was previously standing.

"He vanished?" Haku turned his head around, only to see Sasuke up in the air as he started throwing shurikens towards him.

Haku performed back summersaults as he kept avoiding the shurikens one by one, while Sasuke smirked landing on the ground and instantly reappeared behind Haku kicking him squarely in the face.

Haku flew back as he landed on the ground with a thud causing Zabuza's face to twist

"To think Haku would lose in terms of speed" He murmured as he looked towards Sasuke.

"It seems that I'm faster than you…." Sasuke said with a mocking tone.

Kakashi proud on Sasuke having won the battle of speed he said "I can't have you mocking our team calling them brats…." "He may not look it but Sasuke is the number two rookie in the village hidden in the leaves."

"and as you already know Naruto here is the number one rookie and hyperactive knucklehead ninja, while Sakura is the one with the biggest forehead….."

Sakura stared at Kakashi weirdly ("Biggest forehead? Do you have a death wish, you probably have something even more embarrassing, that's why you have covered up your entire face") she thought while glaring at him.

The heat that the battle generated, caused no one to pay attention to Naruto.

Naruto scratched his head, as he felt something did not add up,

He thought back to how he and Inari had become friends and realized,

("This is bad, I completely forgot about those two....I hope I can make it there in time, Let's just hope this test run works")

Naruto thought as he created a clone, the clone nodded back to him as it executed


























