Unexpected Situation

"This is a good opportunity, so I'll say this."

"There will be no battles and competitions and the like, without permission of the proctors!"

"And even if you get the permission, actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted."

"Any pig that screws with my conditions or me will be disqualified immediately."

"Got it?"

Ibiki asked as he stared at the Ninjas looking at him.

"This exam looks to be easy!" A man with an attitude commented.


"Now then, we will start the first test of the Chuunin Exam!"

"Turn in your applications, take one of these number cards in exchange, and sit in the seat matching that number!"

"After that, we will hand out the paper for the written test!"

Ibiki concluded upon which Everyone started to submit their papers and sat down on their assigned seat.


A few moments later…..

Sakura felt happy, knowing that this was her kind of test as she started grinning.


"N-Naruto-kun, s-sorry about earlier, I know that you did not mean that…"

Naruto turned to see Hinata by his side, he then grabbed both her hands together and said

"Really! Thanks a lot Hinata, I would never betray you..."

("Oh No!") Naruto screamed having realised that something was going to happen to Hinata.

"Hinata…" he called her softly only to see that she was barely able to maintain consciousness with her face, red to the extreme.

Naruto immediately let go of Hinata at this moment.

A few breaths later, Hinata was finally able to calm herself down.

"Looks like Everyone has settled down finally…" Ibiki said as he grabbed a chalk.

"There are several rules to this first test."

"I will take no questions so listen well accordingly!"

("Rules? No questions will be taken..?") Sakura thought as she saw Ibiki start writing the rules on the board.

"First off is the first rule!"

"You are each given ten points from the start!"

"The written test has ten problems in all!"

"Each problem is one point"

"And this test is a point deduction system."

"You are deducted one point for each problem you get wrong!"

"If you get three wrong, you'll have seven points!"


"The second rule"

"Pass or failure will be determined by the total points of three teams." Ibiki said causing everyone's expression in the room to change.

At this point Sakura banged her head on the table.

"Wait a minute!"

"What do you mean total points of the team?" Sakura asked being extremely concerned about Naruto failing the test.



"There's a perfectly good reason for this!"

"Shut up and listen!"


"If you've got it, here is the most important next rule!"

"Those who are deemed by the sentinels as having committed an act of cheating or something similar to that….."

"will have two points deducted for each act." Ibiki said upon which someone shouted from the back


"In other words…"

"There may be those who will be dismissed during this test without waiting for test grading."

("This means they're deducting points, from things other than the written test problems") Sakura concluded.


"Know that those who commit awkward cheating.."

"will bring ruin upon yourselves." Ibiki said upon which one of the sentinels sitting near by the examinees commented

"I'll check you anytime.."

To which the examinees became more vary.


"If you aspire to become a Chuunin at all, know that Ninjas should act like exemplary Ninjas."

Meanwhile Sakura thought


("Naruto aside, Sasuke and I are okay! Even if Naruto gets zero points…. If we cover that…")

((>>AUTHOR's Note —> Sakura still thinks Naruto did not do well in the academy test, and so do the others, Why? -> Because Naruto did not change his idiotic nature until the last two months, hence everyone other than the jounins don't believe Naruto is good at academics))

Ibiki continued

"In the case of even one person on the team getting zero points…"

"Everyone on that team will fail!"


"What did he say?!" Sakura felt like the world collapse onto her as she glared at where Naruto was sitting.


"By the way, the last problem will be given forty five minutes after the start of the test!"

"The time for the test is one hour"


All the ninjas focused on their papers trying to read through their questions

Sakura didn't read too much into the questions but she prayed feeling all her hope slip away.

("Naruto! Just don't get zero points!")


Sasuke started reading the questions as well

("Damn it, these are questions even most chuunins would find a hard time answering.")

("Naruto isn't getting jitters from the get go, is he.... though I do feel somehow feel that Naruto can get by this test as well, it is as though he already has a lot of experience from the time I have interacted with him…..")


Naruto almost sneezed twice in a row

("Someone must really be praising me right now!") He grinned as he looked at the question paper.

("What is this?")

("First question is too easy, I bet everyone can get that….")

("Second question, hmm…..")

("The parabola B in the diagram illustrates the greatest possible distance that enemy Ninja A can throw his/her Shuriken from a tree seven metres high…Predict and answer the Enemy Ninja's character inferred from the ellipse this shuriken forms, also answer the longest firing range in battle on flat ground and explain your basis")

("Well the ninja is a cautious type taking that kind of a elliptical path, the longest firing range should be about 44m at which point the shuriken would lose its penetration ability")

("But I still don't understand, why would these examiners give a question that only a jounin could answer after a proper consideration to genins who have barely started out")

("These are integrated problems based on predictions of uncertain conditions and dynamic energy analysis application!")

("How do these genins hope to pass unless they cheat?")

A bulb flashed in Naruto's mind

("So this was what the test was about back then huh!")

("Ability to gather information in these kind of circumstances, looks like they have hidden people amongst the examinees who know the answer to all the problems…..")

("Well why should, I worry about that…..")

("Sakura is intelligent enough and Sasuke has his sharingan, so he should be able to pass")

("This test is gonna be a walk in the park…..")

A few seats away Sakura had also arrived at the same conclusion as she thought

("There's no way Naruto can solve this!")

("Not only him!")

("hardly anyone except me can solve this problem!")

("These other problems that follow are nothing but difficult ones")

("If about ten of all fifty-one teams are able to pass, it will be bad if I didn't stretch my self and get a considerable amount of points")

("Its like a system inviting cheating..")

("I hope Sasuke and Naruto won't panic and cheat.")

Sakura lifted her head as she turned towards where Naruto was writing

("It's okay….. Naruto's not that much of an idiot….")

Sasuke also kept staring at his paper while he arrived at his own conclusion

("I don't…. Understand even one of these problems.")

("At any rate, this elaborate fuss….")

("It's like a trick assuming that we're going to cheat.")

Sasuke turned towards a sentinel assigned towards his row not far away from him.

("They probably check with that paper….")

At this moment the sentinel started to jot down something

("Somebody got caught")

("Cheating deducts two points")

("Two points deduction huh?")

("Normally it'd be failure the moment the cheating was discovered….")

a bulb flashed in Sasuke's mind at this moment

As thought back to ibiki's words

"Know that those who commit >>AWKWARD<< cheating, will bring ruin upon themselves."

("I see so that's how it is, eh")

("This wasn't just an achievement test!")

("The real aim was….")

("a test to see the ability to gather information with the full use of deception and concealment techniques.")

("Ninja should read the double bluff, "eh")

("Looks like we have no choice but to cheat if we want to pass the test")

("All right then")

Sasuke closed his eyes


Meanwhile everyone was copying during the test

Kankuro had his puppet as a sentinel

Gaara his third eye using sand

Kiba had Akamaru give him answers while Akamaru looked at the surrounding Examinees.

Dosu used his sensitive ears to imitate the pencil writing rhythm based on location of sound.

Shino used his bugs while Tenten used her wires to connect to mirror light reflectors to copy….

At this moment a kunai whizzed past Naruto as it landed on a table behind him

"What the hell was that?" Naruto looked slightly towards the back to see a boy stand up in fright as the sentinel of that column said

"You have cheated five times. You fail!"

"Your two teammates should get up as well…."

The three then left the room,

"No.43 and 27 FAIL!"

Many people left the room and soon the 45 minutes were up as well.

"All Right!" Ibiki shouted as he announced

"Here is the tenth question!"

"But before that, I'm going to add some rules for the last question."

At this moment Kankuro had entered the hall again after his toilet break.

Ibiki stared at him and said

"It looks like playing with the dolls wasn't a waste after all… "


("Looks like he figured crow out") Kankuro feared.

"Anyway, sit down"

"Let me explain! These are Hopeless rules"

"First, you guys will have to choose whether or not you will take this question!"

"If you chose not to take the exam then your score will be zero."

"In other words you fail!"

"And of course, the same goes for the two others in the same group!" Ibiki said upon which a few voices started complaining.

"What does that mean"




"And.. one more rule…" Ibiki continued

"If you chose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly, then you will have to ….."

"RELINQUISH your right of taking the Chuunin Exam forever...."

A while passed after which people started leaving

"No.50 failed!…. No.130 and No.111 will be failed as well…"

Soon a few teams left the hall.


Meanwhile Naruto was day dreaming for a bit since he had finished solving all the questions.

Sakura kept staring at Naruto

("Naruto, Why don't you raise up your hands?")

("You want to become a Hokage don't you")

("I'm sorry Naruto….I don't want to…..crush your unachievable dreams") Sakura thought as she raised her hand in the air.

At this moment Naruto felt bored as he looked around upon which he almost had his EYES Pop Out!

("Sakura, What the hell are you doing by trying to raise your hand??)