Training Continued; Search...

Outside the Ryūchi Cave…

Tagitsuhime led Sasuke to a waterfall.

"Please take a bath here!" She said while pointing towards the flowing Water.

Sasuke nodded to her after which Tagitsuhime left.


Soon, Sasuke was summoned back to the cave by The White Snake Sage.

In the cave hall, there were two figures respectively.

The White Snake Sage sat on the huge throne, while a snake with purple scales was on the ground next to the throne and was coiled around its body.

"Young man!"

"This here is a scroll!"

"Sign your name in blood over here after which you will be able to summon Aoda."

The White Snake Sage handed over the scroll to Sasuke, after which he signed it.

"For the next few days, I am going to teach you Sage Jutsu." The White Snake Sage said.

"Sage jutsu?" Sasuke asked.


"The blood, I injected earlier should have circulated around your entire body by now…" The White Snake Sage said.

"Mm.." Sasuke nodded.

"Have you been able to sense any special energy around you after receiving the blood?" The White Snake Sage asked.

"I am not clear about that…." Sasuke said.

"Young man!"

"You have the Sharingan don't you?" The White Snake Sage asked.


"Then you must have seen some energy flowing into your body…"

Sasuke thought back to the time, something strange flowed into his body.

"Yes!" He answered.

"That's nature energy." The White Snake Sage concluded.

Sasuke closed his eyes.

< Sharingan! >

Sasuke activated his eyes.

He soon felt his body absorbing chakra on its own from the atmosphere.


Sasuke felt a bit wobbly, following which Sasuke fell on the ground, while his leg had some scales appearing on them.

"Stop Absorbing the energy for now!"

"I will teach you how to control it and a few snake style battle techniques for the next few days…." The White Snake Sage concluded.

Sasuke nodded back, after which he undid his Sharingan.



Back in the Hokage's office…

"We may have countermeasures for Orochimaru, But how do we deal with the Sand village and its Kazekage?" Kurenai asked.

"Well, the Alliance Treaty is at the level of verbal agreement!"

"As was in the former Ninja war…"

"Since the boy named Gaara revealed their plan, we can confidently say that they have lost their element of surprise." Kakashi pointed out.

"Kakashi is right!"

"The Sand village will not mobilize a huge force to deal with the Hidden Leaf since they would be completely dependant on the element of surprise."

"Expect a small attack team of two hundred or more Chuunins and Jounins from Sand and Sound village. since the main force will be stationed at the village."

"We can maintain a safe distance by engaging them at few meters away from the barrier with Guerrilla Warfare."

"For the sake of that one child, I will give the village a chance. Fight to defend and not to kill."

"You can leave their Kazekage to me, whereas I will also implement some measures to deal against Orochimaru" Hiruzen ordered.



Outside the wild lands surrounding Ō-tafuku Town….

Two figures stood opposite to each other.

"Naruto!" Jiraiya called out as he reached into his pocket and brought out a small piece of paper.

"Do you know what this is?" Jiraiya asked.

Naruto stared curiously at Jiraiya.

("I know it's chakra paper, but I can't really say that now can I?") Naruto thought.

Jiraiya then explained the properties and reactions of the chakra paper to Naruto as he handed the paper over…

"Inject your chakra into it!" Jiraiya said.

"Mm!" Naruto nodded and injected his chakra.

The paper turned pitch black and solid.

Jiraiya's eyes popped, as he stared at the paper speechlessly.

Meanwhile, Naruto also stared at the paper curiously.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto like he wanted to cry.

("First Nagato with his Rinnegan, now this kid with all elements and Yin-Yang Release.")


"What is the black color supposed to mean?" Naruto asked curiously.

Jiraiya stared helplessly at his prodigy.


"You are an Omnipotent Ninja!" Jiraiya said in a firm voice as he approached Naruto.

"Omnipotent?" Naruto asked.

"You have an affinity with all elements," Jiraiya said as he showed the Rasengan to Naruto.

"Now, As I had mentioned yesterday... The Rasengan which you know is an A-class technique developed by your father…"

"However, he was only one short step of making it an S-Class Technique…"

"Do you know what was it lacking?" Jiraiya asked as he looked towards Naruto.

"It lacked Nature Affinity chakra?" Naruto asked.

"Precisely!" Jiraiya said as he raised his right hand in the air which contained the Rasengan.

"See my left hand!" Jiraiya said as he bought his left hand near the Rasengan.

Soon Jiraiya's left hand started glowing with Red light as a small amount of fire natured chakra gathered.

"If you can merge your chakra nature with Rasengan completely…"

"Then, You will have surpassed your father."

Jiraiya said as he brought his left hand towards the Rasengan, only to almost knock off his left hand away with the deflection from the Rasengan.

"The remaining few days from now will be spent in this training," Jiraiya said as he walked away.

"Yes!" Naruto saluted.

("I haven't tested the Rasengan's combination with the other elements except when I had used those tailed beasts chakra…")

("I will use my remaining time to accompany Pervy-Sage and also finish these Jutsus!") Naruto declared as he turned towards the forest nearby.



Outside the Hokage's office…

Kakashi approached Kurenai.


"Could you please help in training my student along with Shino till the Chuunin exams?" Kakashi asked.

"Your student?" Kurenai asked.


"Haruno Sakura is a genjutsu type; thus I would like to leave her in your care…" Kakashi said.

"Okay!" Kurenai agreed.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Karin went to the hospital together.

The medic ninja was waiting for them…

As soon as the duo entered the room.

"Today, you will be practicing the basic healing Jutsu on the Big Fishes that are placed over the scrolls on the table." The man said as he led the duo to the table.

He then taught Sakura and Karin the basic medical Jutsu sign and its applications.

The duo noted and started to train.


Back in the Hokage's office…

Anko stood in front of Hiruzen's table.


"Can I please help you in facing Orochimaru-sama in the upcoming battle," Anko asked sincerely.


"I'm afraid you are not powerful enough yet to face him in battle."


"I do have a special task that maybe only you can handle for me…" Hiruzen said.



Back in the Hot Springs Inn in Ō-tafuku Town….

Jiraiya entered the room, following which he sat by his desk.



Jiraiya looked towards the window to see a frog with a scroll attached to its back.

"This scroll !" Jiraiya's expression changed as he picked up the scroll in his hands.



Back in the Hidden Leaf Hospital…

Kakashi dropped by and informed Sakura of her training with Kurenai-sensei.

Sakura agreed to the training, after which Kakashi left.



Somewhere in the forests of the training field.

Two figures faced one another in a battle pose.

"Please fight me at your full strength Gai-sensei!" Neji declared as he assumed his Gentle Fists stance.

"Looks like that little bout with Naruto-kun made you realize your level huh?"

"I see the flames of Fighting Spirit Burning in your eyes!" Gai said as he lowered his stance a bit to start a charge from the ground.

< Hidden Taijutsu - Dynamic Entry! >

Gai announced as he launched in high speed towards Neji.



Back in the Hot Springs Inn in Ō-tafuku Town….

Jiraiya read through the contents of the scroll.

"The Sand village wants to attack huh?"

("Looks like Orochimaru had a major role to play in it…") Jiraiya thought as he looked out the window.



Hokage's Office..

Anko stared at Hiruzen.

"What special task do you have for me?" Anko asked.

"I want you to search and bring back one of the legendary sanins, Tsunade!"