The Rescue Mission Battle Part 8



"IS AN EXPLOSION!!" Naruto stared at Deidara while declaring proudly…

The scene of the explosion amplified Naruto's coolness factor which created a scene that Deidara would never forget for ages to come...

His eyes gleamed with excitement as he watched Naruto with a lot of interest.


"Someone who has the passion for the same art as I do!"


Deidara landed on the ground and walked towards Naruto.


Kakashi who stood by Naruto's side stared with wide eyes at the scene that was taking place in front of him.

("Art is an explosion?") Kakashi thought while watching Deidara approach Naruto in a friendly manner.

("What is going on here….?")


Deidara finally stopped in front of Naruto.


"I finally meet someone of my own kind!"

"You really are able to see the truth of the world…" Deidara said.

("Wow! That's a better response than I expected!") Naruto thought.

"My name is Deidara."

"I am a member of the Akatsuki!" Deidara introduced himself.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto!"

"This is my sensei, Hatake Kakashi!" Naruto introduced.

"Mm!" Deidara nodded to Kakashi.

"Ha…" Kakashi greeted awkwardly…

"Looks like we are on the same side, trying to kill Orochimaru!" Deidara said.

("Play along!") Naruto thought.

"Yeah!" He nodded to Deidara.

"I came here with another man to kill him!" Deidara said.

"Another man?" Kakashi asked.


"He is having fun on the other side…" Deidara said.

Naruto quickly used his senses to scan the other battlefield.

("That Chakra…")

("It's granny Chiyo!") Naruto thought back to the time where He went to save Gaara along with Kakashi, Sakura, and Chiyo…

("I am happy to know she is also alive…")

("Looks like its the puppet guy from that time…") Naruto thought back to the man that was sitting alongside Deidara, which he witnessed after Sakura cracked open the entrance to the hideout…

("If it is him, then that Granny and the Kazekage together can handle it…")

("It is also a good thing that Sasuke followed my suggestion from yesterday…") Naruto thought.

"Deidara-san!" Naruto turned towards Deidara.


"Don't call me that."

"You can call me senpai, after all, I am older and have walked the path of explosion longer than you have my friend!" Deidara said with a smile.

"How about we decide that through competition," Naruto suggested.

"A competition?" Deidara asked.


"An art competition which I would like to call the festival of explosions!" Naruto said.

"We will see who can create the best artwork."

"The loser will call the other his senpai!" Naruto said.

"Hmm…" Deidara thought.

Naruto quickly approached Kakashi.


"Lend me your ear for a moment!" Naruto demanded.

"Huh?" Kakashi bent down.

"I am going to have you as the judge, so play the role to the best!" Naruto said.

Kakashi felt his head spin…

"What is this competition of explosions all about?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto saw that Deidara was staring at him.

"Hehe!" Naruto scratched his head, following which he put his hand on Kakashi.

"If you agree…"

"My sensei here will be the judge!" Naruto pointed at Kakashi.

Deidara stared at Kakashi for a moment.

("If he bites the bait, then I will use this chance to make him finish that annoying explosion clay of his..") Naruto thought.

"Deal!" Deidara announced.

"I, Hatake Kakashi shall judge this competition with utmost honesty and fairness!" Kakashi stepped out.

Naruto looked at Kakashi through the side of his eyes…

("You don't need to take it too seriously sensei!") Naruto thought while he stared at Kakashi who burned with passion.

"So, how do we do this?" Deidara asked.

Naruto pointed towards the empty desert that was ahead of them.

"We'll throw our explosions over there…" Naruto said.

"Hm!" Deidara agreed as he planted his hands into the clay bag and gobbled up a considerable amount of clay.




(Chup!) Strange sounds of chewing noises came out following which Deidara raised his hands out of the bags.

("Is that a mouth in his hand?") Kakashi thought as he observed Deidara opening his palm.

("Looks like he must be the rumored kid who stole the Stone village's hidden jutsu!") Kakashi thought back to the rumors he heard.

< Explosion Release - Detonating Clay - C1! >

A small creature appeared in Deidara's hand.

"Wait!" Kakashi said.

"Hm?" Deidara stared at Kakashi.

Kakashi brought his hand towards his forehead protector…

He moved it up.

< Sharingan! > Kakashi activated his left Sharingan eye!

"We will start with small explosions first," Kakashi said.

("That Sharingan!") Deidara instantly started glaring at Kakashi.

"Hm?" Kakashi stared at Deidara.

However, What Kakashi did not know was that Deidara hated seeing the Sharingan eye the most in the world…

Especially from his encounter with Itachi…

"Are you an Uchiha?" Deidara asked.

"No!" Kakashi instantly replied.

"Hmm…." Deidara thought for a moment.

"What is it?" Naruto asked in a concerned manner.

"I was wondering why you would activate a Sharingan since we are not fighting…" Deidara said in a low voice.


"This, I am using it to make sure that no party is cheating in this competition!"

"I will give you a fair result with thorough analyzation of the entire process of the explosion!" Kakashi assured Deidara.

"Hm!" Deidara nodded as he turned back towards the barren desert that was in front of them…

"Pay attention, my man!"

"Watch and learn from this senpai of yours!" Deidara said to Naruto as he threw his clay creature towards the sand.

"Hm!" Deidara raised a seal!


A small explosion took place creating a small sand storm in the area,

Kakashi squatted down to observe the blast from a distance.

The fog of sand dust cleared up after thirty or so seconds only to reveal only a barren land…

"Clean destruction!"

"Not only that, it looks like you can use it as a remote bomb…."

"Though I would still have to say that it has minus marks for not leaving an artistic impression!" Kakashi said.

"Huh?" Deidara stared at Kakashi.

"Sensei is right!" Naruto said.

"All right then, why don't you demonstrate how it is done…" Deidara gestured for Naruto to take the stage.


"Watch and learn!" Naruto said as he flexed his fingers a bit to produce cracking sounds.

"All right!" Naruto commented as he powered up a Rasengan in the right hand.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out.

"Hm?" Kakashi responded.

"Point out a place that you think would be a hard target!" Naruto said.

("He is really serious about this competition it seems…") Kakashi thought as he got up.

("Hmm…") Kakashi searched for a particular spot while reaching into his pocket for a kunai.

"There!" Kakashi threw a kunai to a place which was behind a sand dune.

("ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?") Naruto glared at Kakashi…

("Don't give me that look, you asked for it!") Kakashi thought as he looked towards Naruto.

"Fine!" Naruto said as he started to spin his arm in a coutner-clockwise manner to build up the momentum.


Soon Naruto's shoulder was rotating his arm at the speed of a table fan.

Hah! Naruto sent his Rasengan into the sky, following which he placed his right hand horizontally over his eyebrows to see further.


The Rasengan crossed the distance in a matter of seconds.


The Rasengan landed right over the kunai.

(Boom!) The explosion flashed, creating a small sand storm, that subsided in less than fifteen seconds.

Kakashi stared at the spot where the Rasengan landed…

("That precise control of chakra!")

(Naruto controlled the amount of damage the Rasengan could deliver by reducing its might to one-tenth of its original…)

("To top it off, that pattern on the ground…") Kakashi continued to stare…

"Who won Kakashi?" Deidara asked…

"I think, it is better if you took a look…" Kakashi suggested.

"Hmm…" Deidara hesitated a bit, after which he called his clay bird to take the group to the place of the explosion.


In Mid-air….

The group stared at the site where the Rasengan had landed.

"That's a spiral mark!" Deidara stared while sitting on top of the bird…

"Naruto wins the first round!"

"He destroyed a small sand dune and did an artwork while having to aim his explosion at the place I threw my kunai to," Kakashi said.

"Ugh!" Deidara wanted to deny it, but the truth was staring right at his face.

"Hey, no one said anything about landing an artwork onto the sand…"

"I thought that you were going to judge the explosion itself…" Deidara argued.

"…" Kakashi stared at Deidara.

"I ask for a redo of the first round, this time no artistic impression on the ground…"

"Only the shape of the explosion cloud itself!" Deidara made his stance on the matter clear…

"Ha…" Kakashi sighed.


Soon the group returned back to where they had started…

"Are you ready?" Kakashi asked.

"Hm!" Deidara nodded while looking at the new spot Kakashi threw his kunai over to.

Deidara opened his palm to reveal a different type of C1 creature.

"Go!" Kakashi said.

"Hah!" Deidara exhaled while throwing the creature towards the marked spot.


The explosion raised a perfect sphere of sand cloud from the after effect of the detonation.

"It's a sphere cloud!" Kakashi commented following which he turned towards Naruto.

"Your turn!" Kakashi said.

"Mm!" Naruto nodded as he walked towards the place where Deidara had launched from.

"Same place right?" Naruto confirmed.


"The same place where Deidara-kun landed his explosion!" Kakashi said.

"All right!" Naruto said as he powered up a Rasengan in his right hand, though this time it was in a ratio of 9:1 with nine parts being his regular chakra and one part being his tailed beast chakra.

"Hah!" Naruto exclaimed as he threw the Rasengan towards the spot marked with the kunai...


The explosion took place, raising a peculiarly shaped cloud.

"It's a mushroom?" Deidara stared at the cloud in horror!!

"Not just any mushroom…" Kakashi paused as the cloud raised to its peak…



























"IT'S A MATSUTAKE!!" Kakashi stared at the cloud while almost drooling through his mask!