Wrapping things up...

"The entire war was because of Uchiha Madara who was revived by Uchiha Obito who is also from your village!"

"Do you have any objections to that fact?" The man asked.

Naruto frowned since the meeting was being live streamed to the five countries at once.

Politics were already into play since the beginning of humankind.

With the rapid growth of technology that took place over the past few years, slowly brought media into the spotlight.

Some of the business tycoons and landlords had a hand in everything since the new world had more dependence on money than ever, thus leading them to have a hand in politics through which they could influence the flow stories through the media.

Naruto knew this was a plot to incite the masses since the Hidden Leaf village was the only village to experience such rapid growth in the past few years while the other four could barely catch up.

However, that was the only the appetizer.

There was more to this subject than that could be seen on the surface since the question was not only meant to set the Hidden Leaf Village as the target of other nations but also to dig up the fact of the main branch of the Ōtsutsuki's that the general public was unaware of.

However, if this news were to be leaked out, then there would be chaos and panic amongst the people thus leading to a disruption in peace.

The other kages had also noticed this fact and had chosen not to comment; after all, they had all worked along with Naruto and Sasuke to stop the Ōtsutsuki clan many times. However, they knew that if they remained silent any longer, it would merely mean that they were supporting the man who had asked the question thus putting more pressure on Naruto.

Gaara stood up.

"The answer to that question is a known fact that the true puppet master behind the scene was the Black Zetsu, who was the son of the Rabbit Goddess."

"It was only purely out of coincidence that the puppets that he had chosen happened to be one of the founding ancestor of the Leaf Village, Uchiha Madara."

"However, it can also be said that Uchiha Madara had left the village of his own will so technically, he cannot be considered as a part of the hidden leaf village," Gaara explained.

"Mm!" The other kages nodded.

"Thank You, Gaara," Naruto said.

Gaara also nodded towards Naruto.

"Wait a minute!" The man interfered.

Gaara also frowned upon seeing the man's despicable attitude.

"Let's just say you are right, but that does not change the fact that the Uchihas are the ones who are the ones who are responsible for destroying the peace as we know it."

"First Uchiha Madara, then Uchiha Obito and lastly Uchiha Sasuke!" The man was about to list Sasuke's crimes before the war.


"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT MY FATHER!" Sarada activated her Sharingan.



"You!" Naruto got up in anger.

Shikamaru approached Naruto,

"I've got an insider tip from the recording room that the channel's rating is going over the roof now and people are having a bad impression of the leaf village," Shikamaru explained.

Naruto wanted to finish the man in a single move.

"It's not worth it Naruto. We will only be playing into his hands," Shikamaru said.

"I am sorry Sarada," a voice interfered at this moment.

"That voice…" Everyone in the room turned to see a man walk out of space, as though he was walking in between the worlds.


"Sasuke…" the man stared in terror.

——End Of FlashBack——

Naruto was worried, even if the nations worked together, politics by itself could tear apart the peace that was somehow accomplished.

The problem could have been settled before, but after hearing Shū's explanation about the hierarchy of the main clan and the time clan's method of operation, Naruto was confused.

Shū was supposed to be an enemy but turned out to be a friend; however, the others might not end up turning into friends, the same way Shū did.

His existence in this timeline could be called an anomaly; any step from now on was like walking on a tight rope.

However, questions remained in Naruto's mind.

("Should I tell them about the existence of the main clan or not?")

("Should the Fourth Ninja World War take place along with the ninja alliance, or should I strengthen the village to fight the war all on it's own, after all once Kabuto is stopped, and the jinchūrikis like me are protected, Obito will not have the chance to wage war since there is no Impure world reincarnation army, the jinchūrikis with the rinnegan and Sharingan, or the jūbi itself as long as the tailed beasts are protected.") Naruto thought.

After all, in the previous timeline, all villages lost something/someone important one after another to the Akatsuki, not to mention the fact that Obito challenged them all to war after he was confident about his preparations.

However, in this timeline, the villages had a superficial relationship with each other.

Other than the sand village, any close relationship with another village cannot take place without reason.





The ninja from the thunder nation ran with Hinata in tow.

"Mm…." Hinata felt like she was in motion as she slowly regained her consciousness from the genjutsu.


("What's going on?") Hinata thought as she looked around, only to see the world-shaking rhythmically.

("Huh?") Hinata found out that she was riding on the shoulder of a strange ninja.

"W-Who… are you?" Hinata uttered in a high pitched voice.

"Hm…?" The ninja turned his head to look at Hinata's face over his shoulders.

("What the hell?")

("She's awake…") The man thought.





Hiashi panted as he chased after the ninja.

("Wait for me Hinata. I will get you back!") Hiashi declared internally as he chased after the man while Tsume and Shibi also chased after the ninja from the grass village.

Hinata was scared as she looked at her left ring finger where Naruto had imprinted his Flying Thunder God Mark.

——FlashBack ——


"This is a special technique of mine…"

"Whenever you feel like you are in danger, just inject this mark with a bit of chakra, and I will instantly appear by your side."

"Naruto-kun" Hinata stared at Naruto with surprise.

"Hinata… I swear to protect you with all my life." Naruto said as he looked into Hinata's eyes.


At this moment she felt extremely threatened.

Her body was unable to keep up.

She felt her knees weaken almost losing her balance.

Knowing that she could not run anymore, she unconsciously injected some chakra onto the seal Naruto gave her.

(poof!) Naruto appeared behind her, while at the same time the jounin appeared around Neji.

Hinata fell into Naruto's arms.


"You did well Hinata, take some rest," Naruto said to her, after which she lost her consciousness.

——End Of FlashBack ——

("Naruto-kun, I believe in you…") Hinata thought as she injected her chakra into the mark.

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!!" Hiashi shouted at the ninja; however…


Naruto teleported in front of the ninja.

("WHAT?") Hiashi felt as though there was more sense in the world.

Naruto was surprised as well, albeit for a different reason.

("Why does he have Hinata in his hands…?") Naruto thought as he tried to recover from the situation where he was cornered until his eyes fell on the ninja's headband.

("The Village hidden in the clouds…") Naruto thought following which…

(Bam!) Naruto knocked the man out following which he caught Hinata in a princess carry pose.


"Are you all right?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto…" Hinata stared at Naruto in a daze, as though she was in a dream she never wanted to wake up from.

"Hinata!" A voice interrupted.

"Father!" Hinata immediately got down from Naruto's arms.

Hiashi, however, stared at Naruto.

("He's just like his father, the fourth…") Hiashi thought.

"What are you doing here, old man?" Naruto asked innocently.

"What am I doing here?"

"I am here to save my daughter!" Hiashi responded.

Naruto smiled a bit, happy on getting the best part for himself.

"The battle isn't over bra- (Cough!) I mean Lord (cough!) Seventh!" Hiashi calmed himself down as he tried to show his respect forcefully.

Naruto was however surprised.

"Please Old Man, just call me Naruto," Naruto said.




"The red-haired girl who was with Hinata was also kidnapped too," Hiashi said.


"Karin?" Naruto and Hinata concluded at the same time.

"Yes!" Hiashi nodded.

"Got it!" Naruto said following which he activated his nine tails mode and sage mode at the same time.

("South-East about seven kilometers…") Naruto calculated.

"Thanks, Old Man!" Naruto said as he shot off in the direction of Karin in supersonic speed.



Back in the Chuunin Exam Stadium, everyone wondered where Naruto disappeared off to.

Enma, however, noticed that more and more people were getting up.


"Better wrap up, the people are waking up!" Enma said as he undid his summoning.

"Got it!" Hiruzen said as he looked towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru understood the gaze instantly.


Orochimaru looked towards Sakon.

"Undo the barrier!" Orochimaru ordered.