Ichiraku Ramen!

Hiruzen looked towards the people in front of him, especially at the Hokages, the past and the future.

"I want to discuss one more thing before you all leave,"

"What is it?" Tsunade asked.

"It's about Naruto,"

"He's already had a lot weighing down on him ever since he became a Hokage," Hiruzen said.

The others nodded in agreement.

"I want the boy to enjoy his life for as long as possible,"

"The Seventh never rested in peace since the day he became a Hokage,"

"Even now the will of fire in him glows much brighter than us all combined as he risks his life to save us all one by one," Hiruzen said following which everyone nodded again.

"Tsunade, I will try my best to maintain this position for the next five years,"

"By which, I expect you to have developed full-fledged combat medics," Hiruzen said.

"Mm!" Tsunade nodded.

"After five years, I want you to take over as the Fifth Hokage," Hiruzen said.

The people in the room were not surprised, after all from the memories they had seen that Tsunade was more than sufficient to take on the post.

"Also, there is another thing I plan to do…" Hiruzen said.

"Hm…?" The people in the room looked at Hiruzen with a question mark.

"I plan to announce an event now that the village has successfully survived," Hiruzen said.

"An event?" Tobirama looked at Hiruzen.


"This event has three purposes,"


"it is to celebrate the treaty between Hidden Sand and the Hidden Leaf which we have maintained over the years,"


"is to help Naruto and his group relax for a while as they have fun,"


"it is to help Naruto set up a meeting with Itachi," Hiruzen said.

"What kind of an event is that?" Tsunade asked.

"It's an event that you came up with," Hiruzen smiled.

"Hmm…?" Tsunade looked at Hiruzen with a puzzled expression.

"It's the Hidden Leaf Sports Festival!" Hiruzen announced.

"I support this," Rasa joined in.

"This is a great idea,"

"I am sure Naruto will like this one," Jiraiya and Minato nodded.

"But how does this help Naruto meet that boy Itachi?" Hashirama asked.

"It's simple,"

"Right now, the Akatsuki needs money,"

"This kind of an event also has probabilities of dark horses, which is the best for betting houses," Tobirama explained.

"Lord Second is right," Hiruzen nodded.

"The plan has a high possibility of success," Shikaku commented.

Hiruzen turned towards Shikaku,

"I'll leave the details to you," Hiruzen said.

"Mm!" Shikaku accepted.

"Lord Fourth!" Hiruzen called out.

"Yes, Lord Third!" Minato stepped forth.

"Please tell Naruto to come to the office at nine in the morning,"

"I want to hand him his mission reward and his Jonin certificate," Hiruzen said.

"Mm!" Minato nodded with a smile.

Hiruzen turned towards Shikaku.

"I want you to call Shikamaru and Sasuke as well since he will be receiving his chūnin certificate," Hiruzen said.

"Got it," Shikaku nodded.

Hiruzen looked towards Rasa,


"Will you be staying overnight?" Hiruzen asked.


"I have planned to leave the village tomorrow afternoon," Rasa said.

"In that case, you can call young lord fifth over for tomorrow morning's certificate distribution,"

"We would also like to have the distribution in your presence," Hiruzen said.

"It'll be an honor," Rasa bowed a bit.

"Same here," Hiruzen bowed back to show respect.

"I would like to conclude this meeting now as I would like to take my time to help Lord First and Second to catch up with the current situation," Hiruzen said.

"Mm!" The others nodded.

"Jiraiya," Hiruzen called out.

"Yes!" Jiraiya stepped forth.

"I want you to help Orochimaru and Kabuto to settle down in places as you see fit," Hiruzen said.

"Got it!" Jiraiya nodded, following which Hiruzen turned towards Minato.


"Follow me,"

"There's something I'd like to give you," Hiruzen said.

"Mm!" Minato nodded following which Minato and Hiruzen walked out of the room.


It was around Six in the evening…

Naruto waited at the building entrance until the meeting ended.

*Sound of footsteps*

Naruto turned towards the sound to see Minato, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Kabuto walk out.


"Pervy-sage!" Naruto called out.

"Naruto," Jiraiya responded.

Naruto walked towards Jiraiya.

"Naruto-kun," Orochimaru called out with a peaceful smile.

("That smile again…") Naruto thought as he looked towards Orochimaru's face which was the same as the one after he had changed.

"Lord Seventh," Kabuto bowed down.

"Thanks for allowing me to return to this village again," Kabuto said.



"Don't make me disappoint my decision,"

"Last time Itachi taught some sense into you, that's why you had changed,"

"Same applies to you," Naruto said as he stared at Orochimaru.

"Both of you have not changed due to the war, but only because you understood the consequences of what happens if you both continue down this path,"

"Don't expect anyone to drop their guards against you two until you prove yourselves right!" Naruto said.

Orochimaru and Kabuto frowned a bit. However, Naruto's words were nothing but the truth.


"I may not have been in the war physically, but I understand myself better than anyone,"

"I am very thankful to you for taking Mitsuki in," Orochimaru said as he bowed a bit.

Jiraiya stared at Orochimaru who was bowing towards Naruto with a surprised expression.

"Only time will tell," Naruto said as he looked towards Jiraiya.

"Where are you taking him, Pervy-sage?" Naruto asked.

"I am helping him choose a location where he can hide and conduct humane experiments that can help us in the near future and as for Kabuto, I am going to apply for him to be a part-time caretaker at the Hidden Leaf Orphanage," Jiraiya said.

"Part-time?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, Naruto-kun"

"Kabuto here is the best assistant I can ask for."

"While Kabuto has a home, he can also help me out during the day," Orochimaru said.

"…" Naruto stared in silence.

"Orochimaru-san," Minato stepped in.

"What is it, Lord Fourth?" Orochimaru asked.

"Please do your best for this village," Minato cheered with a smile.

"Hmph," Orochimaru smirked as he smiled at Minato.

"Let's Go!" Jiraiya said as he vanished from his spot towards a specific direction.

"Mm!" Kabuto and Orochimaru followed.


"Meet me at Ichiraku Ramen at Eight!" Naruto shouted.

"Got it!" Jiraiya shouted back.

"Shall we go?" Minato asked.

"Mm!" Naruto nodded happily.

"Wait!" Minato said following which he brought a mask to his face.

Naruto stared at the mask.

"Can't let anyone know…" Minato murmured.

"Mm…" Naruto nodded slowly.


Hyūga Residence...

Hinata and Hiashi arrived at the compound.


"Hinata-sama!" The man at the door greeted.

Hiashi and Hinata acknowledged the man's greeting and walked in…

For a while, Hinata was silent as they walked to the main branch residence.

After a few moments passed, Hinata looked at her dad.

"Father?" Hinata called out.

"Hm…?" Hiashi looked towards Hinata.

"W-What did you mean by calling N-Naruto-kun…"

"a-as …. L-Lord Seventh?" Hinata managed to ask in a shaky voice.

Hiashi frowned.

"I cannot tell you," Hiashi said as he walked away, leaving behind a stunned Hinata.


("Are you my…Naruto-kun…") Hinata thought as her thoughts went in disarray as she thought back to the moment Naruto had prevented from falling down by catching her.


*Sound of Footsteps*

Minato looked around the street through his mask as he walked along with Naruto.

"What are you doing dad?" Naruto asked.

"I am just looking at the developments that have taken place around this area since I used to walk through this place a long time ago," Minato explained, only to see Naruto grinning at him from ear to ear.

"What happened Naruto?" Minato asked.

"I am just happy to walk beside my dad like other kids," Naruto said.

"Naruto…" Minato stared at Naruto as though he really was a child compared to the way he lived as an adult.

"Boruto, never really hung out with me…"

"He would either go out with his friends or teammates or spend time with Sasuke whenever he paid a visit to the village," Naruto said.

"I see," Minato said.


Soon they came across a place with two turnings that faced opposite to each other.

Naruto went right while Minato went left.


"Dad, where you goin?"

"My house is this way ya know?" Naruto said.

Minato looked towards Naruto as he put his hand into his kunai pocket and took out a key.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"Don't you want to go to the house your parents lived in?" Minato asked.

Naruto's eyes shined.

*Door Opens*



The floor creaks a bit as Naruto and Minato step in.



Naruto and Minato coughed a bit, following which Minato switched on the light,

However, the switch did not work.


"Looks like we might need to buy a lot of stuff to fix and clean up the house," Minato sighed awkwardly.

"I suppose…" Naruto murmured in the disappointment of not being able to see the house.


Soon it was Eight and Naruto along with his dad walked to Ichiraku Ramen's.

"Welcome!" Teuchi and Ayame greeted.

"You both are late!" Jiraiya said.

"Pervy-sage!" following which Naruto turned towards the side to see…

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out.

"Yo!" Kakashi gave a two finger salute.

Jiraiya, Minato, Naruto, and Kakashi sat side by side with one empty seat remaining at the last.

(Author's Note – Teacher > Student and Student's son = Student > Grand Student)

"Here you go,"

"One Miso Chashu with toppings" Teuchi announced as he placed the bowl.

Naruto licked his lips in anticipation.

("I feel so happy to see the ramen in front of me again…") Naruto thought.

Minato was smiling awkwardly,

("How happy is he compared to seeing me?") Minato thought following which the other three got their ramens too.

*Chopsticks split*

"Itadakimasu!" The four said at the same time.

As they lower their heads…

Naruto, Minato, and Jiraiya look from the corner of their eyes towards Kakashi.

Kakashi slowly brought his face to the bowl while bringing his hand to his mask.

("He's going to reveal it…") the three prayed in their hearts.

"Hehe…" Kakashi grinned as he took off the first layer of his mask.

("We already know you have two layers Kakashi…") Jiraiya thought.

The time seemed to pass agonizingly slowly…

("Open it damn it!") Naruto cursed internally.

Kakashi brought his hands extremely slowly to his mask once again.

Naruto felt like it was almost a whole year before Kakashi would remove his second layer.


Kakashi pinched his second layer and slowly brought it down.

("Kakashi-kun, you've escaped for far too long…") Minato thought as he also watched from the corner of his eyes.

("Take the mask off already!!!!") Naruto was screaming internally as though he had wanted to rip his hair off.

At this point Kakashi's mask was half-way through…

("The moment of truth…") The three stared with utmost calmness.


"SUP, HIDDEN LEAF'S GREEN BEAST HAS COME TO FEAST!" Gai announced as he arrived on the scene with a small cloud of smoke appearing out of nowhere which completely covered Kakashi.

"…" Jiraiya, Naruto and Minato stared at Gai in complete silence as their mouths dropped down wide open.

("Did Kakashi use laws...?") Shū thought.