Ceremony Concludes


Author's Note-

Edit from the previous chapter.

Uchiha Reflect Blade has been

Changed to Gunbai Uchiwa,

Its actual name for the weapon from

the anime/manga.


Hiruzen looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, however, will not receive a Chūnin certificate," Hiruzen announced.


Sasuke, Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, Hashirama and Tobirama were surprised.



"Since everyone in this room is already aware,"

"Lord Seventh," Hiruzen called out.

"Yes," Naruto responded.

Asuma, however, showed no reactions since Hiruzen took the time to explain to Asuma about Naruto's past and also how Asuma should take care of himself if he were to come across any Akatsuki members in future, including Hidan and Kakuzu. Hiruzen also talked about how Mirai (Asuma's daughter) grew up without him and became a good ninja.

Hiruzen continued.

"Restrictions were imposed on your Chūnin exam battle so as to conduct the jōnin exam for you," Hiruzen explained.

Sasuke, however, felt a bit complicated,

Naruto had gained one on him again. However, he did not let it weigh him down since he was aware of Naruto's position.

"Lord Seventh,"

"Before I handover your certificate, I have one question," Hiruzen said.

Naruto lifted his head up a little to indicate he was listening.

"Would you like to have your official name?" Hiruzen asked.

"What do you mean, old man?" Naruto asked.

"We hid your family name to hide your relation to your father since he had many enemies at that time,"

"So, your name which was supposed to be Namikaze Naruto was changed to Uzumaki Naruto," Hiruzen explained.

"…" Naruto thought for a bit, while Minato and the others watched silently.

"I've got the yellow-hair from my dad and my mom's clan name…"

"I would like to have my name as it is," Naruto explained.

Hiruzen, Minato, Hashirama, Tobirama, Rasa and Shikamaru smiled.

"All right then,"

"Uzumaki Naruto,"

"Mm!" Naruto responded to his name and took a step to the front.

"I present this certificate which will henceforth establish your rank as Jōnin," Hiruzen said as he held the certificate in his hands.

"Please step forth to receive it," Hiruzen added.

Naruto then walked towards Hiruzen and collected the certificate with both hands following which he bowed, but Before he could do so wholly…

"Don't," Hiruzen prevented Naruto from bowing.

"Congratulations, Naruto"

"You are, as of this moment a Jōnin!" Hiruzen said.

Everyone in the room clapped for Naruto.

"Naruto, You were placed in charge of an unofficial S-Rank mission," Hiruzen said.

The others in the room watched in silence.

"Not only did you complete the objective successfully,"

"You made sure not to engage in direct combat with Akatsuki, and at the same time managed to bring your team and yourselves successfully without major injuries," Hiruzen praised.

Everyone including Sasuke also nodded.

"Thus we would like to reward you with…" Hiruzen looked at Minato.

Minato then stepped out and summoned two huge chests.

"Huh…" Naruto stared at the chests.

Minato stepped in front of the chest.

*Chest opens*

Minato then stepped away from the chest to reveal about a couple of his custom signature kunai.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto.

"This here is a thousand customized kunai in these chests," Hiruzen explained.

Naruto's eyes shined.

The kunai's had the same design as his dad's.

However, they were exclusively made for Naruto at Hiruzen's orders. Not only that, but they were provided with grips which were blank for Naruto to inscribe his Flying Thunder God mark.

"That's awesome ya know," Naruto said excitedly.

"Hahaha," Hashirama laughed, following which Hashirama and Tobirama walked towards Naruto.

"After seeing our battle along by your side against the ten tails and your memories of being the Seventh Hokage, we have decided to bestow a title upon you," Tobirama said.

("Seeing memories?") Sasuke and Shikamaru thought.

"Naruto," Hashirama called out.

"Mm!" Naruto responded.

"Your dad was known as the Yellow Flash of the Hidden Leaf,"

"So, we have decided to call you…" Hashirama paused.

"The Orange Bolt," Tobirama concluded.

("The Orange Bolt, huh…") Naruto thought back to his conversation with Kushina.

—— FlashBack ——

"My dream is to become a Hokage, ya know…." Naruto laughed

"When you combine the Yellow Flash with the Red-blooded Habanero….." Kushina left for Naruto to continue….

"You get the Orange Hokage of Konoha, ya know!" Naruto jumped up.

"That's really cool, ya know!" Kushina smiled back as she got up.

"Your dream is the continuation of mine and Minato's dream…."

"Yeah!, I'll never let mom and dad's dream end" Naruto declared.

——End of FlashBack——

("Doesn't sound bad I guess,") Naruto thought.

Hiruzen looked at Naruto.

"If the war takes place in future,"

"Let your name spread across the battlefield,"

"The Orange Bolt shall keep the Will of Fire alive!" Hiruzen announced following which Naruto brimmed with battle intent.

"I will protect those who are close to me,"

"I will never give up,"

"For that's my nindō my Ninja way!" Naruto declared.

"Hmph," Sasuke smiled.

The Hokages, The Kazekage, Asuma, Gai, Shikamaru, and Sasuke approved of Naruto's words.

Naruto went back and stood beside Sasuke and Shikamaru once again.

"Aside from the promotion,"

"Here's the cash from the mission," Hiruzen said as he looked at Naruto and Sasuke.

"Present this cheque at the office below the building and collect your cash," Hiruzen informed.

Naruto and Sasuke collected the cheque from Hiruzen.

"You're all dismissed," Hiruzen concluded the meeting.

Kakashi, Asuma, Gai, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sasuke stepped out of the room.

*Door closes*



"You both did well," Kakashi said.


"I am proud of you," Asuma smiled.

Naruto grinned at Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out.

"huh…?" Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"What gift do you have for me?" Naruto asked.


"Your gift…"

"Well, Since you are already this powerful…"

"That exam was nothing much, was it?" Kakashi asked.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto called out again.

"Hmm…?" Kakashi stared at Naruto with a sweat drop appearing at the side of his head.

"It's all right if you did not get me a gift,"

"After all, there is one thing you can do instead…" Naruto suggested.

("I knew it,")

("He wouldn't let that go easily,") Kakashi thought.

"W-What is it, Naruto-kun?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and Shikamaru.

("Looks like this is going to be troublesome…") Shikamaru kind of regretted his decision from earlier, meanwhile Asuma and Gai had noticed that the other two were on the same page as Naruto.

"Why don't you show us what's underneath that mask of yours Kakashi?" Sasuke asked.


"Don't even think about getting away with that second layer of that mask of yours" Naruto said.

"Are you sure?" A voice interfered.

"Hmm…?" Naruto turned to look at Gai-sensei who stood at the side.

"Are you sure, Naruto-kun?" Gai asked once again.

"Why do you ask?" Naruto asked Gai.

"Naruto-kun, take this from a long time rival of Kakashi,"

"You don't wanna know!" Gai declared.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru were shocked.

Naruto closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

Upon exhaling, he stared at Gai while his battle intent rose up slowly.

"Hehehe…" Naruto laughed slowly as he stared at Kakashi who was now sweating beads.

"Now I really wanna know," Naruto said.

"Same here," Sasuke said as he held onto his new Gunbai Uchiwa.

Shikamaru also turned towards Kakashi to make his stance clear on the matter.

At this moment Naruto's battle intent rose to its peak.


Hiruzen looked at Rasa.


"What time will you be departing today?" Hiruzen asked.


"I have a lunch to attend to before I would like to depart," Rasa said.

"Lunch?" Hiruzen asked.

"Indeed," Rasa laughed.

(Boom!) At this moment, Naruto's battle intent was leaking into the room as well.

"What's going on?" Tobirama was alarmed.

"Hehehe," Minato laughed awkwardly.

"Looks like it's the matter from yesterday…" Minato said in an apologetic voice.

"A matter from yesterday?" Hiruzen and Tobirama frowned.

"It's about Kakashi's mask, to be honest," Minato scratched his head.

"…" Hiruzen stared at Minato.

"What is it?"

"Lord Third?" Minato asked.

Hiruzen shook his head. Minato was confused; however, only Hiruzen knew what he was thinking.


Post Chapter Shorts.


Naruto: Hi there Web novel readers! Today we have an interview with my second life's author, Sundar-san.

Author-san: Hi guys,

Naruto: Sundar-san, umm…

Author-san: What is it Naruto-kun?

Naruto: Do you prefer to be called by your pen-name?

Author-san: I would prefer it if you'd call me as Author-san.

Naruto: Author-san, I see…

Well then Author-san, There has been a question on my mind.

Author-san: Go on, Naruto-kun.

Naruto: Why is my character having trouble sticking with an age?

Author-san: Let's see…

You did travel back in time according to the way I wrote it so when you interact with 13-14 year-olds while being a 30+-year-old man; it's somewhat hard to write since most people tend to adjust their way of interaction according to the age group you see…

Naruto: I see…

Onto the next question. Why did you make me stand by and watch Zabuza and Haku die?

Author-san: Well, I thought people wanted to see something different for a change. After all, I also wanted to introduce Shū-kun.

Naruto: Please don't change my character.

Author-san: Ah! Sorry! 😐

Naruto: I would like to announce a q/a for you guys to ask me anything you'd like.

Author-san: Oy, Naruto-kun, My hands are tired of writing you know besides, I am writing and editing this as we speak.

Naruto: You owe it for messing up my character.

Author-san: Sorry again! 😐


Sakura: Author-san!

Naruto: Ah! Sakura-chan! You can't just enter the interview room.

Sakura: Will you stop making me useless.

Author-san: Ahem, That's Kishimoto-san's problem.

Sakura: (Raises a fist,) huh? Did you say something?

Author-san: Nothing.

Naruto: Sakura-chan, calm down.

Sakura: (glares)

Naruto: …

Sakura: Author-san, Why don't I have screen time now?

Author-san: Kind of awkward to say, you might not appear for more chapters.

*Sakura triggered.*

Sakura: (Raises a fist) Shannaroo!!!!!!!!


Naruto: Author-san!!!!


Naruto: Next time on NRe. Sasuke and I collaborate in taking down Kakashi sensei's mask while Shikamaru faces Asuma-sensei.

Shikamaru: Why did I involve myself in this kind of trouble?

Naruto: Shikamaru, be a bit more enthusiastic, will ya. You are making the readers feel lazy to the point that they don't wanna read the flashbacks.

Author-san: Hey! I heard that.

Naruto: Hehe. Next time on NRe - Kakashi Unmasked. Tear down that Plot Armor!!!!!

Kakashi-sensei, Your face will be seen. No matter what!