


Under the dimly lit sky, a massive bird with a blonde-haired man on its back landed on a clear path.

("After almost a day of flying, I'm finally here…") Deidara stared at the village which was a couple of kilometers away…

He then looked down at his body, which was not covered by the Akatsuki robe.

("Those guys wouldn't be wary of people wearing ordinary clothes would they…") Deidara thought as he used a small gadget on his left eyes to zoom in on the guards that were stationed at the village gates.

"Oy, Izumo."

"Don't slack off!" A man warned by gently waking Izumo up who was sleeping over his folded arms on the desk.

"Cut me some slack Kotetsu,"

"It's not like the Hokage ordered us to be on the lookout for anyone," Izumo said lazily as he stretched out his hands.


"Don't joke Izumo,"

"It hasn't been five days since we were almost attacked by the Hidden Sand and the Hidden Sound together!"

"But they stopped no? I mean our Hokage is the best, after all, getting the Kazekage to turn on the Sound, Haha."

"As old as he is, he still works hard," Izumo said.

"And he works us hard too,"

"I swear, I can't even lift my arms properly after carrying those piles of documents around,"

"Why do you think I'm sleepy?"

"It is cos, I've worked hard carrying those all day…" Izumo said.

"Even after all those hard work, we now have to spend our time watching over this place,"

"If only we had become Jōnins,"

"Wouldn't that mean extra work?" Izumo asked.

"Of Course it's extra work, but there's the extra pay as well!" Kotetsu argued.

"I hear ya…" Izumo said as he yawned once again, only to pause upon seeing a figure pass by in front of them.

"Hey," Kotetsu called out.

"Hm?" Deidara turned around.

"What are you doing entering the village at this hour?" Kotetsu asked.

"What's that?" Izumo asked as he pointed towards an object that was covered in a cloth in Deidara's hand.

"I'm here to see a friend,"

"I wanted to give this gift to him,"

"Sadly, I don't know where his house is…" Deidara said.


"is he/she a civilian? Ninja? Merchant or an official?" Izumo asked.

"A ninja,"

"Blonde haired boy, about ye tall and three whiskers on each cheek," Deidara explained using a few hand signs to explain Naruto's appearance.

"Three whiskers? Blonde Haired?" Kotetsu asked.

"Oh and he likes explosions," Deidara added.

"Likes explosions?" Kotetsu asked with a dubious look.

"What's his name?" Izumo asked.

"Erm… it's Uzumaki Naruto," Deidara said.

"Eh? That kid?" Izumo and Kotetsu looked at each other reminded of the time they saw Naruto figuring out their genjutsu back in the first part of the chūnin exam.

"Oh, that kid,"

"I think he recently shifted places, no?" Kotetsu asked.

"Yeah, I heard he was given Lord Fourth's old house," Izumo said.

"Yup," Kotetsu nodded.

"hmm?" Deidara looked at the two.

The duo then gave directions to Deidara to Naruto's house.

"Thanks, my man," Deidara waved at the two.

"Anytime," The duo waved back.

As soon as Deidara walked out of their view, Izumo turned towards Kotetsu.

"See, he was just a regular guy, not a terrorist or something,"


"heh?" Izumo and Kotetsu stare at a few meters away, on top of a building.

"Oy Izumo, did you hear something?" Kotetsu asked.

"Maybe, you?" Izumo asked.

"Probably must have been a cat or something,"




Tobirama shook his head as he jumped past buildings.

("With those two at the gates, the village will definitely be safe,") Tobirama thought back to the time he slapped his head as he watched the two welcome Deidara into the village.

"I just hope nothing happens," Tobirama thought as he secretly tailed Deidara.

"So this is the house, huh?" Deidara thought as he stared at the building.


*Door Opens*

"Hi, Naruto my man," Deidara greeted.

Naruto froze.

("What's he doing here?") Naruto was shocked by this unexpected guest.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Deidara asked.

"Of course you can come in, Aniki" Naruto raised a hand.

"Yeah," Deidara gave a high five and entered the house.

("What?") Kakashi, Sasuke, and Minato were stunned to see Deidara in plain clothes entering the house.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet my Aniki, Deidara," Naruto introduced.

"Sup, Everyone," Deidara raised a peace sign as he stared at everyone seated around the table.

Minato walked in to set up an extra plate,

"Hi, I'm Minato, Naruto's dad," Minato introduced himself.

"Pleased to meet ya," Deidara smiled following which his eyes landed on the empty plate that was just set on the table.

"Would you like to have dinner with us," Minato asked.

"oh, what do you guys have for dinner," Deidara asked.

"Hehe," Minato snickered.

("It's finally time for that short name I came up with,") Minato thought as he looked at Deidara.

"It's explosive meatball curry rice,"

"…" Deidara's eyes gleamed.

Soon Minato and Kakashi served the rice and curry to everyone, one by one.

Kakashi looked at Deidara.

"It's been a while Kakashi, my man," Deidara said.

"How have you been?" Kakashi asked.

"Other than my boss being disappointed that we didn't hunt Orochimaru, I guess I'm pretty good," Deidara said.

"I see…" Kakashi nodded as he served the curry onto Deidara's plate.

"Is that enough?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah…" Deidara said as he took his chopsticks.

("Let's see how explosive they are…") Deidara thought to himself as he immediately went after the meatball.

Naruto, Kakashi, and Minato, on the other hand, were staring without daring to blink waiting to see the crazed explosive artist's reaction to Kushina's explosive recipe.

"It's time to eat…" Deidara said as he placed the piping hot Meatball on his tongue,


Deidara's teeth sank into the meatball, causing some of the spicy juices to overflow onto his tongue.


("This spiciness…..") Deidara stood up with his eyes staring at the ceiling with what seemed to be a teardrop threatening to fall from the side of his eyes.

("IT EXPLODES!!!") Deidara cried internally as he chomped down on the meatball.

"Do you like it?" Minato asked.

"Like it?" Deidara's gaze slowly shifted towards the confident looking Minato.

("Wait a minute!") Deidara thought back to Izumo's and Kotetsu's conversation.


"I think he recently shifted places, no?" Kotetsu asked.

"Yeah, I heard he was given Lord Fourth's old house," Izumo said.

"Yup," Kotetsu nodded.


Deidara froze.

("The Fourth?") Deidara thought as his eyes scanned Minato's appearance.

("The…Fourth…Hokage????") Deidara's eyes gleamed once again.

Minato's name was a bomb in his village. The Hidden Stone which Deidara hated a lot, he actually admired Minato for being a person feared by everyone in his village.

But to the explosion loving Deidara,

Not only was the recipe explosive, even this new discovery he made contributed to such an explosion, that Deidara could only wish he could physically see this artwork of an explosion. This explosion would definitely surpass Naruto's ability to create a mirror finish crater by almost a hundred times.

"Like it?"

"I freaking love it!" Deidara shouted.

"…" Naruto, Kakashi, and the others silently watched Deidara exclaim with happiness as his happiness reached the pinnacle.

"I must say, you really surprised me," Deidara said as he looked at Minato.

"I'm glad," Minato said with a smile.

"Not that, but you,"

"The fourth Hokage," Deidara said following which almost everyone in the room froze.

("Shit!") Naruto was on his wit's end.

"It's an honor to meet someone who is feared by my village," Deidara said as he stared at Minato.

"oh…" Minato was surprised.

"…" Naruto stared silently.

Deidara turned towards Naruto.

"Naruto my man, you didn't tell me your dad was the legendary yellow flash,"

"But damn, I thought he was supposed to have kicked the bucket or something," Deidara said as he turned back to see Minato.

"But to think you are alive…" Deidara stared at Minato.

"What are you going to do?" Kakashi asked suddenly in a low tone.

"Hah?" Deidara stared at Kakashi.


"Nothing really, I'm just happy to see this guy,"

"I have respect for people who can make nations fear them, partly because I am one of those kinds of people," Deidara said.

"…" Karin, Sasuke, Lee, and Jūgo's gazes shifted towards Minato who stared at Deidara.

"I see…" Minato nodded emotionlessly.

"Aside from that, the food is great," Deidara said as he took his seat and began to eat again.

"That's good to know," Minato said with a smile.

"So how about you guys introduce yourself?" Deidara said as he looked at everyone else.

"Let's start with you," Deidara said as he pointed towards Jūgo.

"I am jūgo,"


"That's it?" Deidara asked upon seeing Jūgo sit back down.

"…" Jūgo silently nodded.

"tsk," Deidara turned towards Sasuke.

"What about you?" Deidara asked.

Sasuke looked towards Naruto, only to see him nod silently to speak.

"I am Uchiha Sasuke,"

"Uchiha?" Deidara was stunned.

"…" Sasuke stared at Deidara.

"Oh, the only guy that bastard Itachi left behind, huh?" Deidara asked.

"Itachi…" Sasuke spoke in a low tone.

"Huh?" Deidara stared at Sasuke.


The temperature of the room dropped by several degrees while also forcing Karin to the ground with a shocked expression.

Sasuke stared at Deidara with an eye full of killing intent,

"I'll kill him," Sasuke stated.

"…" Minato, Kakashi, and Naruto stared at Sasuke emotionlessly, as the only ones in the room who were aware of the Uchiha clan's incident.

"Uchiha Itachi?"

("So Sasuke wants to kill this man Uchiha Itachi, but why?") Lee stared at Sasuke with vigilance.

"Brother…" Jūgo placed his hand over Sasuke's left arm.

*Sh!* Sasuke withdrew his killing intent, reverting the room back to normal.

"Interesting…" Deidara murmured as he stared at Sasuke, who shared similar thoughts as him towards Uchiha Itachi.