Road to Ninja Part 13

Soon Naruto, Irina, and Shikamaru exited the Shopping Mall with a few bags in their hands.

Irina turned towards the duo.

"Menma, Shikamaru,"

"I'm going to part with you guys here,"

"There's someone who wants to see me in the hospital this afternoon," Irina said.

"I see," Naruto and Shikamaru nodded.

"Take care, you two,"

"And Menma,"

"Please turn up for the party,"

"Otherwise, I will make your life hell," Irina glared at Naruto.


"Got it," Naruto nodded quickly.

"Later," Irina said in a cute voice following which she took off in a different direction.


Naruto and Shikamaru sighed in relief at the same time.

"All right Menma,"

"We need to get the presents and ask the other guys quickly before Temari finds out," Shikamaru said.

"Okay," Naruto nodded to Shikamaru's earlier suggestion of having a boy's night out.

"You know the shop from where we can get that book, right?" Naruto asked.

"The Game store is just down the street,"

"Follow me," Shikamaru walked ahead, leading the way for Naruto who quickly followed from behind.

Soon the duo reached the store.

"Welcome," The woman who stood by the entrance greeted.


"Excuse me, Miss,"

"Do you know where I can find the Guidebook for Shinobi Dungeon Hunters?" Shikamaru asked.

"I'm sorry Sir, We just sold out recently,"

"We've asked for another bundle of those books," The woman replied.


"How long will it take for the new stocks to arrive?" Naruto asked immediately.

"Usually, within two working days sir," The woman answered.

"Two days?" Shikamaru looked at Naruto with a shocked expression, after all the book could be bought at a later time for Shikadai, but Hanato's birthday was in two days.

Naruto quickly caught Shikamaru's expression.

("Looks like Hanato's Birthday is within two days,") Naruto thought internally.

("What do you plan to do Naruto?")

("He may not be Boruto, but he's still your son in this world,") Kurama said.

("I know,") Naruto answered.


("But, I'm not giving up,") Naruto answered.

("Hmph,") Kurama smirked from Naruto's response.

("You always were like this,") Kurama said to himself, thinking back to Naruto from the beginning.

Naruto then looked at the woman.

"Which company is in charge of producing this guidebook?" Naruto asked.


"This book is printed in one of the publishing houses owned by the Kaminarimon Group," The woman informed after flipping through a few pages of product index she had on a clipboard.

"Kaminarimon Group,"

"I know the president who runs it," Shikamaru said.

("Looks like its mostly the same guy from the previous timeline as well,") Naruto thought.

"Let's go Shikamaru,"


Naruto and Shikamaru quickly left the shop in the direction of the Kaminarimon Group building.


Hokage Office…

Sakura stared at the paperwork in front of her.




"Come in," Sakura said.

The door opened to reveal a middle-aged man wearing the Uchiha Robe.

"Lord Fourth," Sakura got up to show her respect.

"Sorry for not informing before my visit,"

"Hope I'm not holding you back from anything important," Obito asked.

"Not at all Lord Fourth,"

"I was just about to send out a message," Sakura said as she presented an envelope.



"So this for the feudal lord's visit during this time's Chūnin Exams I take it?" Obito asked.


"It also has the Itinerary for the other feudal lords to follow for safe entry into the village," Sakura explained.

"I see…" Obito murmured going over the details.


"So, when's the Five Kage summit taking place?" Obito asked.

"On the sixth day," Sakura replied.

"Great to hear,"

"I hope their predecessors show up as well,"

"It will be great to have a discussion on the current affairs as part of the previous generation of kages," Obito said.

"Mm," Sakura nodded.

"Did Menma talk to you yet?" Obito asked, trying to probe Naruto's situation.


"I haven't had the chance to speak to him yet, recently…" Sakura replied in a low voice.

"I see…" Obito nodded.

"How did you know he's back, Lord Fourth?" Sakura asked suddenly.


"I-I just happened to run into him yesterday after he left your office,"

"Hehe," Obito laughed a bit, trying to avoid the topic.

"I thought you had a meeting with Lord Third yesterday evening," Sakura said suddenly.

"W-Well, Lord Third, I and Menma had a good discussion about the Akatsuki yesterday evening," Obito answered.

"I see…"

"Did he say anything about the Akatsuki attending the Chūnin exams?" Sakura asked.

"The Akatsuki attending the exams?" Obito asked.

"As a guest of course," Sakura suggested.

The Akatsuki in this timeline was a reputable organization that was highly fawned upon by many others for their good deeds. They were supported by major powers and showed up for major events as well.


"I might have forgotten to ask him about that…" Obito replied with an awkward voice.



"Huh?" Obito was confused to Sakura call out to him, only to stop midway.

"It's nothing," Sakura sighed, following which she got back to her desk.

Obito silently stared at the room he once stayed in.

He took sight of the entire village through the window.

"It's changed a lot over the past few years…" Obito sighed.

"…" Sakura stared at her family photo, especially at Naruto or in this case, Menma. She then rotated counter-clockwise on her seat to stare at the view of the village.

"Indeed," Sakura answered, seeing the village from Obito's perspective.

Her gaze shifted towards the Hokage mountains, thinking back to that mountain that once did not have her face on it. It was the time where she had her battle against Konohamaru on the top of the mountains.


"I'm sorry Konohamaru,"

"The women of the village and the other people are depending upon me,"

"I cannot back out,"

"But, I will promise you,"

"I will become the female Hokage,"

"No, the best Hokage for generations to come,"

—End of FlashBack—

"Lord Fifth," Obito called out.

"Yes?" Sakura answered.

"End your shift early today,"

"Brief Shikaku on the paperwork that needs to be done,"

"I'll take over," Obito offered Sakura.

"Lord Fourth,"

"I can't let you do this," Sakura immediately retorted.

"You need to spend some time with your family,"

"After all, it's not always when both you and Menma are around at home,"

"In fact, I'll have Lord Third come over and help so that you can have the evenings off until Menma leaves on his mission again," Obito said.

"No, Lord Third,"

"I can't allow you to do that,"

"I will handle my responsibilities myself," Sakura said once again.

"Listen, Sakura,"

"Menma is at home for a few days, The kids need you as well,"

"Not to mention their birthday is…"


"What happened?" Sakura asked, seeing Obito stare wide eyes.

"No way…" Obito mumbled helplessly.


Hidden Leaf Ninja Academy

In a class full of students, the sensei of the class stood behind the desk staring at a page in his hand.

The page seemed to contain the names of all the students in the class.

"Uchiha Hazuki, huh…" The sensei murmured to himself as he stared at the name, following which he lifted his head to look at all the students one by one with his eyes finally landing on Hazuki who was talking with Azami.

"If she ends up doing what she did the last time, then I will have to fail her…" the man murmured to himself.


"Hmm?" Hazuki looked at her new friend, Azami.

"You should go and tell sensei that you want to take part in the exam this time," Azami said.

"…" Hazuki was silent.

She then looked at Azami one more time, following which she asked.

"Do you think I can become a great teacher?" Hazuki asked.

"Of course,"

"Azami thinks Hazuki can become a great teacher," Azami answered in a cheerful voice.

"Really?" Hazuki asked once again.

"Really!" Azami answered back in a confident voice which in turn reassured Hazuki.

"All right then…" Hazuki got up from her bench and walked towards the desk where the sensei stood.

"Go for it!" Azami cheered from where she stood.

"Huh?" The children in the class were confused.

"What's going on?" Were some of the questions being asked.

"Eh?" The man put down the page to see the Hazuki in front of him.

"…" Hazuki hesitated for a second.

"What is it, Hazuki?" The man asked.



"Don't be afraid!" Azami cheered once again.

"Erm?" The man was confused once again.

"I'm going to take the number one spot!" Hazuki declared.
