
"My dear Winnie,

If you're reading this, I'm probably not back the 4th week. It's getting difficult for me to write this after the 3rd. I honestly hope you don't get to read this. In case you do, just know that I'm trying my best to get back to you wherever I may be. I'm fighting so hard to see you again, so you don't have to worry. Let's get your mind of me for a second.

That someone contributed a lot to who I am right now. Our first official meeting was ordinary, but it warmed my heart. I might have looked calm and collected on the outside, but I was a nervous wreck on the inside. Our first contact created sparks. I felt electricity shoot through me.

It was too bad our meeting then was short. I made it a part of my duty to report diligently to that someone until the day I entered the military. Although our time together was short, the memories are everlasting. I'm a happy man because of that someone. I'm a better man because of that someone.

I promise to be good to you for the rest of our lives, Claudia. I love you so dearly, and I hope you remember that until our last breaths.

Love J."

4 weeks ago when Justin left for his mission, his heart wasn't at ease. The lair he was to infiltrate belonged to the final boss, the man who killed Grey. So many emotions were rushing through him on the day of his departure. He needed to take this threat out.

Things didn't go as planned, but they could have gone worse. He got caught and tortured. His body was slashed open by whips. The minions rubbed his open wounds with salt, then dripped candle wax all over his body. They tried to get military information out of him, but he wouldn't bulge.

Seeing how stubborn he was, they injected him with a knockout solution, but clipped his eyes wide open. The torture resumed. He was subjected to all kinds of gory methods for 4 days straight.

Since he wasn't going to spill, they decided to give him a slow death on the fifth day. Both of his arms and jaw were dislocated. As they were about to inject him with a corroding solution, the door burst open, and it rained bullets.

The moment Justin had been caught, he had activated a tiny device stuck behind his incisor to alarm reinforcements. Grey didn't get to this step because he was killed immediately.

"His death was a mistake," one of the minions had said as he laid another stroke on Justin.

They had killed him without consulting the big boss.

After reinforcements located the lair and determined Justin's position, they planned their strategy carefully. They planned to attack the big boss upon exit.

After waiting for 4 days, the big boss made his entrance into their trap. They tailed him farther from his lair before they attacked. Once the boss was successfully captured, they made their way back to save Justin in the nick of time.

He had some internal injuries and deep cuts. His arms and jaws were fixed, and he was rushed to the military hospital for further treatment.