
June 25 was the date fixed for the wedding. Since Flora chose not to hold a grand wedding, this was the first real wedding happening in the family.

The only task left to Claudia was picking out the dresses. She didn't want a complicated dress. She picked a simple and elegant ivory gown with an A-line silhouette and no sleeves.

She didn't particularly feel in the mood for complicated ideas, so the bridesmaids dresses were made similar to hers, but they were sleeved and knee length.

Her dress fit well, embracing all of her curves. It was particularly tighter at the hips which she found weird. This was the final fitting, so she was worried that it would turn out disastrous. She asked for more allowance to be added before leaving with her girls for lunch.

"Is there a bun in the oven?" Flora asked as Claudia wolfed down her huge hamburger.

She hadn't paid much attention to her diet since Justin was the one in charge.

"What do you mean?" She blinked innocently.

Flora laughed at her clueless friend, "considering how often Justin ploughs your field, I wouldn't be surprised."

Claudia thought back to the first time she felt weird. She didn't think much of it when she felt sleepy during the day. She just assumed she was bored. Her appetite on the other hand did increase. She was always chewing on something.

Justin also made sure to stock the house with her favorite snacks. He warned her often to stay away from strenuous work and chemicals.

She ordered one more burger before it hit her. She was stunned like a deer caught in headlights.

"WTF!" She cussed as she let out a sigh.

"That sneaky bast*rd."

Innocent Claudia got played by her husband-to-be.

"Girl, weren't you on birth control?" Seraphina asked. Claudia was known to be OCD about her pills.

"I was on antibiotics after my oral surgery. He took advantage of me when I was most vulnerable," she looked like she had suffered a huge grievance.

Her sadness didn't last long. She enjoyed her second burger with a smile on her face. She wasn't worried that Justin wouldn't want the baby, she was just a bit scared about being a mother at 23.

The girls asked her about maternity and her plans for the baby, that was if she was pregnant. She really had no idea, so they told her to hurry to confirm. They escorted her to get pregnancy test sticks.

She picked out every brand displayed, but Seraphina took them all back and handed her 6. Her heart was beating crazily. She didn't want to have any expectation which might turn into disappointment, but she couldn't help it.

10minutes later, 6 pregnancy sticks, 2 red lines on all.

She was pregnant.

She was really pregnant with their baby.

The girls hurried her home to tell Justin the good news. Opening the door, she saw him standing in front of the refrigerator probably thinking about the night's menu.

"I'm home," she announced.

Justin met with her at the door and hugged her.

"How was the task?"

"It was alright. Just a few more adjustments to be made."

The couple made their way to the couch. Claudia stared at him with uncertainty. "Did he plan all of it?" she thought to herself.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me all weird?"

She didn't reply him. She brought out the sticks and put them in front of him.

"I'm pregnant."