DGBMH shorts: Caleb II

"Why are you matchmaking my daughter before she can talk?" Justin spoke up suddenly, scaring his wife.

"You scared me," she scolded while patting her chest.

"She's going to marry the finest soldier. She doesn't need a smart cookie. She needs the protection of a strong man."

"Shut up, get up, make dinner. Your wife is hungry." She walked out of the room with her sleeping baby, and her sulking husband followed after.

"How did your matchmaking turn out?" He asked as he took out the pot.

"They are good now. He's not confused anymore. She's his happily ever after."

Justin laughed at his wife. "Seraphina befriended her rival, and you matched her up with my rival. What a perfect ending for both of us."

"Caleb was never your rival duhhhh. Plus Beatrice is a very lovely lady. She was just confused for a while."

"He was, the moment you hugged him at the bar."

She rolled her eyes at her unreasonably jealous husband. He needed to be dealt with in bed. She picked up her phone to search for "new ways to deal with your man in bed."