Something is wrong!

With my left hand been grasped by Alex and my other free hand tug close Alex's coat lapel try to keep it from slipping from my head, I continue to walk quietly behind Alex.

I try to maintain my distance with Alex by watching the floor between us to gauge the safer distance to avoid twisting his legs with mine. But the accident still happens. I cannot stop my body from collided his back since we are too close when he stopped suddenly.

Without turning his back, his left hand already behind my back trying to stabilize my body from toppled backward. Never at once he loosed his grasp from my right hand even now. Then, he bends down and retrieves the paper bags that never separates from him until now.

He straight out his body before walking toward the trolley area in the corner. We stopped again and Alex seems trying to move the trolley with one hand. Then he paused and looked at me. What he is thinking? I glanced down feeling uneasy.

"Grab my belt and this time do not wander around. You aren't familiar in this place."

This guy really stingy with his words. The longest sentence he ever said to me was yesterday. And that's about his stance regarding my four conditions. [please refer to chapter 5]

And that issues still remain unsolved between us. Looking back, I think that's the longest sentence he ever said. So far his words until now never exceed more than two sentences except that particular one.

We sure have communicating issues.

Eh? Why he suddenly leaned closer at me?

I unconsciously retreat a step back, my body tries to create distance between us when it sensing my discomfort towards Alex's behavior.

Alex's brows twitching with my reaction. He stands straight back and looking up before sighing. I look up too to see what he did see up there. What's so interesting about the ceiling? I cannot comprehend this guy.

I look down and glancing at Alex's face. And I can't escape my eyes by looking down again because his eyes already facing me. I cannot detect his emotions. He just silently look at me before shaking his head a couple of times before unclasped my hand. This time he took my left hand and place in his belt on his waist. And making sure my fingers are tugging his belt.

"Don't let it go, okay?"

I simply nod, understand his request. At least he was no longer mad at me. And with different hand this time, my walking position is no longer behind him but more side to side. What a relief.

Alex moved again and stopped at the baggage carousel. Alex remind me not to remove my hand from his belt. I didn't help him retrieve our luggage to avoid the unnecessary accident and just making sure my body is positioning behind him so this didn't hinder his task in putting all our bags in the trolley.

After checking the tags on our bags with our claim ticket and the counts is right, we walked out from the baggage claim area safely without any more incidents. We don't walk far before he stops at a row of empty seats. Setting a trolley at the side of the seat, he twists his body and grabs my right wrist and I release my fingers from continue clasping his belt.

He brings my body facing him before pushing my body down to sit down in one of those seats. This time he scaring me when he bending down one of his knees on the floor. Exactly like a knight in shining armor from my favorite childhood fairy tale.

Wait a second. There is something wrong with this scene!