Is it a poem? it rhymes so it probably works

Of dragons bane-fire

Of mermaids shame- water

Of humans blame - natural affinity

Of the shadows remains-darkness

While The joyous play games- wind

The dying scheme and train- wood/earth

With their beauty now stained- light

We move fiercely in vain

These are pretty-much what each represents if you can't tell when you read I think the volumes are named too

The systems they should have will be explained further in chapters maybe

Fire- a world of your own system

Water- a world of your own system

Total Elemental - true spectator system

Wind- destroy the world system

Darkness- save the world system

Wood/Earth-destroy the world system

Light-save the world system

This is also the order in which they will effect the story.

Though all say finding your world system it doesn't fit and will further be explained in accordance to the systems their introduced as.

Proper chapter Thursday

It is surprisingly hard not to post when you have a chapter ready