[Day three start]
Scarlet told me a lot when I asked him the protagonists questions. Atriel's parents have plenty of unguents and his mother hated him.
[Your step-mother Dalia absolutely hates you. First of all you rightfully inherit your father's business and because they are married hers. Only are you considered a legitimate child. your brother Meteli who is three years younger on the other hand is not. Due to this and they overall like you more your father's parents prefer you and because your biological mother not only had a hand in your father's business but your grandparents on her side have quite a substantial business you will inherit quite a lot of power. Unfortunately for your stepmother grandparents on both sides have the power to either annex her assets and give them to you themselves or force her to. They promised to do so as long as you maintained a reasonable connection to family and do well in school. The stepmother used "a new experience" as an excuse to force you out and suppressed any information flowing out that could attract attention from either side. Recently she has been putting the finishing touches on her plans to kill you without repercussions, a simple crash into a quick flowing body of water so far. Current investigations by the protagonist currently endanger his livelihood]
{and wasn't I not authorized to receive that information}
[I decided to ban you. Also while you aren't authorized through the protagonist I can grant you authorization]
I've been making progress so far in my efforts. Despite the efforts to hide it I(his family) have connections to everyone in the city. According to Minxìng (hacker contacted through family) the other group has been moving around in accordance to an outside forces orders. After asking grandfather their suspicious movements may be due to a woman's offer that they had also received but refused. Currently I am heading to their base with the help of a few "family"(as in their organization) members.
We make it through the back door easily going up the building we reach an office area. Our map showed that our goal was a main office. On the second floor there was an area labeled office that processed and stored information. Strangely enough there was open space right underneath it. What we needed was the information as it was my biggest lead regarding any information about Atriel.
Lucile distracted the few remaining people after covering his face thoroughly he ran into a couch and hit with a surprisingly explosive amount of force.
Swiftly him, Minxìng, and Adela run to the stairs then, to the "office". Within the office there were several filing cabinets a desk and many many scattered folders. Despite the space represented on the map this looked much smaller. The computer at the center of the desk was off but Minxìng easily opened it. After searching they found a plot far more devious than they thought they'd find. After downloading the information onto a previously prepared flash drive they left with Minxìng carrying the flash drive.
Both Minxìng and Adela got to the stairs before something hit him over the head and he blacked out.
"What is wrong with this story!!" Blaze shouts jumping up and stomping out of the room to search for clothes. The time is 11:59 PM. Already healed by this point, according to Scarlet it was because of his superior soul, Blaze could move and fight just fine. Surprisingly side missions he didn't know about had been completed as well.
[to make it simple I didn't tell you about the side missions as they aren't necessary to your existence within this world, I was mad and I can get away with it. To make this clear this isn't a story, it's a world. Another thing, you can complete missions without knowledge of them, though there are many trigger-able missions that you actively need to do something missions without triggers can be completed without you needing to know anything. Had you found out about the protagonists family's business I'd have told you of the first mission and the other is important for you]
"Wait what!?" As Blaze shouts the idea of that kind person hurt was terrifying and surprising 12:00 AM
[Day three end]
Might be confusing so the days begin when he(Blaze) first wakes up and end either when He goes to sleep after six, so long as he stays asleep or at midnight.