Ferries Shine Shelter.

I wake up to the sun. It is already around half way in the sky. I jump up check my map and see a yellow dot and a gray dot. First I go to the gray dot easy kill.

{ Soil Ant; skill points zero chance of success in battle 100} I just smash the ant with my foot. I cringe at the sound.

{ Soil ant killed No skill posts gained no elemental essence gained. }

I am not disappointed. Next I find a Stiller Bunny easy kill with my rusty knife. No skill points or essence. Still not disappointed I pull my profile up.

Name: Lilith ( Change not available)

Skill point acquired - 1

Strength - 1.3

Speed - 1.5

Eye sight - 20.20

Stealth - 1.0

Accuracy - 1.0

immunity - 1.0

communication - 3.1

first chosen weapon - The Crystal Of the Instant Tamer ( Change not available )

Inventory - Crystal Of the Instant Tamer, Blinking dot map. crystal From plant essence ( Put in the beginners satchel)

Hunger - 7 ~ 10

thirst 7~ 10

End of profile }

Before I go to explore some more I eat a handful of berry's. They're not as good as before but hey I'm hungry. I don't know where I am going but I know it's somewhere. I practically skip threw the forest. I just feel like, I'm in a really good mood today. I'm not even sure why. I wonder around and find a few animals with one skill point. I kill them easily with my knife. I realize I am pretty dirty . My short orange hair is probably in mats and my basic jeans and T-shirt are splotched with blood of Stiller Bunny's. I don't know how to get new clothing. Maybe there's a shelter somewhere. I check my map. There is my yellow blinking dot and about three or four miles away there is a multi colored blob blinking at me. I think maybe it's a town. I mean all those dots have to either be animals or people. I decide to go there.

{ A few hours later. }

I can see the town. Nice and big probably full of shops and motels. I don't have any money. Or tillos or whatever. I know once I'm there I can see if anyone wants to buy my crystal of plant essence. May I could sell it for a get tillos. In a few minutes I reach the town or shelter. Or even village.

The place is full of shops and I see a motel down the road. I also notice a buy and sell shop. I walk over there. As I walk in I see an older man at the counter.

" Welcome. Need to buy or sell. " He says. I totally forgot about that, talking. Luckily my communication is at 3.1 .

" I have one thing I would like to sell. Also I have a few questions about buying and selling. " I say the man nods.

" First what are you selling me?" He says. I pull out the plant essence crystal ball.

" Just this plant essence crystal ball. " I say placing it on the counter.

" How many essences are in the ball?" He says examining it.

" Only one." I say and smile a little. He nods.

" I will pay you 300 tillos for it. " He says. Okay that's A LOT more than I bargained for.

" Alright, but before I have some questions about tillos. How much is one tillos worth ."

" Five American dollars if that's what you mean. " He says drumming his fingers on the desk.

" Yes that what I meant. Also will 300 tillos get me a motel for a night and a new outfit. " I say smiling a little.

" It will. It will also get you a weapon and maybe if you spend it right a cheap essence ball. " He says picking the ball up. " That all. "

" Yep. Do you have any clothes for sale. And shoes? " I ask as he puts the ball behind the counter and counts out some pink bills. He nods places the bills on the counter and places a pair of jeans and a T-shirt on the counter.

" 50 tillos for the out fit. " He demands. I grab some pink bills labeled ten and Pay for the out fit. He also let's me use the back room to change. I do then ask for shoes again. The shoes are 5 tillos and now I am not so dirty and helpless . I head to motel down the road and pay for a night witch is 45 tillos. I go have a shower and I am ready to have a nice sleep.