Zero Skill point beast

About half way through the flats, I see a blinking gray light a few feet in front of me. I stare at the dot as it comes a little close to me. Since I don't know what is the things head I just slowly make my way up to the dot. At first I do not see it. Then I notice a little brown mouse thing. It's black eyes look at me.

{ Ferries shine little Moss Mouse ; Skill points acquired Zero. Chances of success in battle 99.9} I nearly burst out laughing. Why would I not win. I reach down and pick the mouse up. It stares at me dumbly. I take my crystal and smash it's head on it. It flops it bleeding head over.

{ Ferries shine Moss Mouse killed. No skill points gained strength skill upgraded by .1. No elemental essence gained. }

Elemental essence gained.

What is an Elemental essence?

{ Elemental essences are essences that you can acquire by killing animals with over zero skill points. Once you have gained ten of the same elemental essence you can train in the element of the essence. }

Cool. I wonder what kind of essences their are and how you can train them. I stare at the Ferries shine Moss Mouse I killed. Maybe I should take it. My hunger right now is till 10~10. But I've already traveled pretty far and only found this mouse. But then again I only have my hands to carry things with. I keep going without it. I make my way through the flats. I pull the map out and see another gray dot. I approach it. When I come to the dot I see another ferries shine Moss Mouse.

{ Ferries shine little Moss Mouse; Skill points acquired zero. chances of success in battle 100.} I pick the mouse up and smash it like I did with the other.

{ Ferries shine Moss Mouse killed. Zero skill points gained. No skills upgraded. No elemental essence gained .}

I didn't expect anything but still I am a little disappointed. Peeking at my map I see another gray dot. A few minutes later I have killed another ferries shine Moss Mouse and gained nothing. I sigh. Getting nothing and still killing these things makes me feel a little bad. I mean they didn't even get a chance to fight. But a least my chances of success in battle with the Moss Mice are always 100.

I peek at my map and see I am only a few more minutes to Ferries Shine. Maybe I can find a few animals with one skill point gained and find some kind of weapon. A dropped knife or something. Because honestly this purplish crystal ball is not done anything other than get a little blood on it. I trudge on. So close to new land and so close to new skill points and essences.

Few moments later.

{ You have reached Ferries shine. You have completed the tutorial. From now on you are free to do what ever you want. } The voice sounds at the back of my voice.

Wondering if there is anything around I look at my blinking dot map. I see a little yellow dot a few I chew from my yellow dot. I approach the dot. Careful not to draw to much attention. After all my chance of success in battle against the dot may be nothing.

{ Ferries shine Stiller Bunny; One skill point acquired chance of success in battle is 76.3 } I see the Stiller Bunny.

It is a mustard colour rabbit up to my knees. Staring at the bunny I feel a little worried. I grad a pointy stick off the ground and attack.