Chapter 3

Torres clan... Known for their businesses and connections. Travel agencies, coffee and tea shops, beauty care and food supplements, pet care, 24/7 food stops, food catering services and food carts. Each of the Torres cousins have their own businesses but even with their busy schedules, they see to it that once in a while, they'll have time to bond. Road trip was one of their leisurement.

Liam Torres, eldest of the Torres cousins. Followed by the second eldest , Chael then, Marlou, Chris, Nile, Jay, and Peewee. Each of them possessed handsome faces that girls loved to looked at. The clan also have the beauties and the brains. Willa, Mia, and of course, Andy, the princess of the clan.

"You alright?" Marlou asked to Andy while entering the room.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Andy said with her angelic smile. A while ago she's emitting a danger sign but she's back to her normal self now.

"We've already finished our dinner take a seat and eat yours." Liam said.

"I'm still full, we ate our lunch late because the place was jam packed at lunchtime." Andy answered.

"Have you inform Uncle and Auntie?" Chael asking Andy.

"Yes, I called them last week and of course, mom was against it." Andy said pouting her lips. The Torres cousins grinned. Andy's face was like a kid having tantrums. Ever since she joined them on their road trips, their Auntie Tess was always against it because for her, Andy is a girl and it's dangerous for her but when their Uncle Ron will talk to his wife, she will be convinced that their daughter is with her cousins and nothing will happen. Her parents were out of the country. Just like the Torres cousins, the Torres oldies were pampering themselves by travelling. They've already passed their crowns on their sons and daughters in running their businesses.

"Uncle called me and said it's settled but you have to call him." Liam said.

"Really?" Andy said with her wide smile. "Okay, okay, I'll call him right away." Andy said happily and went out. After Andy went out of the room, a man in his white shirt and ripped jeans entered the room.

"Here comes the devil in disguise." Chris said while making a fist bump to the man infront of him.

"Dinner?" Liam asked.

"Nope, finished already." The man replied.

"So, let's start? We will depart tomorrow as early as three in the morning." Liam said and the group of men started planning the trip.

"Dad, thank you, thank you, you're really the best. I love you daddy!" Andy said with tenderness in her voice.

"Promise me you won't get hurt!" Ron Torres said to his daughter.

"Yes, dad, I promise! Love you daddy and please tell mom I love her too. Don't forget my goodies. Bye!" Andy said and ended the call.

Before Andy could return inside the private dining, she saw a rottweiler near a Jeep Wrangler. She thought it was her dog and called, "Max!", but the dog didn't looked at her so she decided to approach it. At first the dog was a bit scary but when Andy found a dog tag, she called her name.

"Hi, Molly, you're so beautiful." And the dog started wagging her tail and licked Andy's hands.

Pulling Molly inside, Andy saw Sophia and Charlotte outside of the room giggling.

"What are you doing here?" Andy said but not angry at all.

"Manager Andy, your cousins are really handsome but there's someone inside that's the most handsome of them all." Charlotte said with romantic excitement in her tone.

"Really?" Andy said while raising her brow. "Okay, you can bring some desserts inside so you can enjoy your eyes to the fullest." Andy said that made the two smile widely.

"Yes, Manager!" Andy smiled as she shake her head.

"Let's go inside Molly later, I will let Max play with you." Andy said and saw a dog smile in Molly' face.

"Cuz Liam, I found a playmate for Max." Andy said happily without looking at her cousins.

"Molly! I said you stay!" The man said that made Andy looked at him.

"Wow!" Andy's mind said.

A tall, dark, and handsome demon-angel in front of her. A man with a devilish face but an angelic eyes.

"Molly!" The man said again. Andy was startled a little but became composed as she stared at the man and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm the one who approached Molly first. I thought she was Max. Don't get angry with her." Andy said calmly but looking at the man seriously.

Liam felt the unpleasant coldness coming from the two people staring at each other but there was something in Blake's eyes, admiration, that made him grinned.

"Okay, that's enough you two, take your seats." Liam said to stop the staring contest.

Before Andy take her seat, she called Mason to bring Molly to Max.

"Andy, this is Blake. He's one of us too, he's the nephew of Uncle Derek's wife, and he owned the resort that we'll be staying tomorrow and the next day. " Chael said.

"And Blake, this is our princess, Andy." Chael continued.

"Andy? the small but dangerous tigress?" Blake said with a grin in his face.

"Yeah wanna try, I still have enough energy to kick your ass!" Andy said irritated with what she have heard.

"Woah!" Blake said waving his hand. The rest of the guys were smiling. They're thinking that their princess already have found her match.

Blake Cortez...a restaurateur. He owned three branches of "Pofta Buna".

Bona Fide specialized on Korean and Chinese cuisines while Pofta Buna is great on American and Italian cuisines. Through his hard work, he bought a resort a year ago and named it as "Casa Mia". He joined the Torres riders three years ago but he never met Andy same as the latter. When he's with them, Andy was busy with the events of Bona Fide and vice versa with Blake in Pofta Buna.

Tonight finally, he met Andy. He knew her only from the stories the Torres cousins were telling him and now that she's finally in front of him, he knew that his life will not be as peaceful as before. "No girlfriend allowed" that was his motto. He avoided all the girls approaching him but when he saw Andy, it was like there's a magnet in her that he wanted her to be wrap around his arms.

"Andy? A dangerous angel." He whispered.